One of the most inspirational people ever.

In the USA, you're 5 times more likely to die from a right-wing terrorist than a muslim one.

sure, if you leave out 9/11, because you dont want to count those 3000 people that are dead, and let the government not classify acts like ft hood as terrorism because of political correctness.

and then you throw in everything but the kitchen sink into the definition of "right wing terrorism" and then ignore the thousands killed by blacks and leave out left wing terrorism groups. I guess you could arrive at that.
I can tell you who the least inspirational person is on TW and he is a fat pasty white ex-pat midget
So I guess even people like Mitch can do some good in the a sad, pathetic kind of way. Cautionary tale.
If Islamic terrorism makes up only 44% of domestic terrorism in the US, that's still an overrepresentation of 4,400% since their population is 1%. I always love the tendency of the SJWs to twist numbers like this. Like when nearly all niggers are on government teat, idiots will say "well, more Whites are on welfare in absolute numbers!". Yeah, no shit Sherlock.
Don't know about that but what is true is that interracial rape is all one way in the US. It's niggers predating on White women. A nigger is raping a White woman, right now as I write this. Nobody talks about this though.
when blacks commit crimes it doesn't get reported because the jew media needs to ram white privilege down your throat 24/7
Well, Fort Hood is a good point, as in my own mind it was terrorism. They classified it as "workplace violence," which makes even the most cynical among us cringe.

I think it would be instructive to throw that incident, and 9/11 into the statistics and then run them again, sure. But then there is also this:

Neil deGrasse Tyson enrages gun-loving wing-nuts: “What a croc o’ sh*t!” -

And it was even less surprising that conservatives responded in characteristically cuckoo-bananas fashion.

I never saw tantrums or people going cuckoo bananas. I do see people responding with comparisons that are just as irrelevant and no have correlation like neil degrasse's comparisons.

3,400: Americans who died by Terrorism since 2001

3,400: Americans who died by household Firearms since five weeks ago.

I dont get it. Why compare guns with terrorism? Its apples and oranges. Why not compare people choking on ice cream with drinking and driving deaths? Its plainly obvious that he only motivation is politics.

Also, maybe im missing what that had to do with my post.
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Maybe neil degrasse tyson needs to ask the question why does our president want to take guns from our american citizens who want to defend their families but still want to arm a terrorist group like ISIS with hundreds of millions of dollars of rocket launchers and assault rifles.
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According to the article youre throwing a tantrum if youre comparing deaths by terrorism since x, with anythng other than guns.

I mean holy shit what the fuck is
Gun deaths 30,000

Fat fuck deaths of heart disease 600,000

Nobody screaming about McDonalds and dunkin donuts and coca cola killing Americans. Fuck. No, that shit is freely marketed to kids and even fed to them in schools. And then they grow up ADHD and psychopaths??? K.

But guns!
love the derail by the commie

'white christians perpetrate just as much terrorism against americans as muslims do'


'oh. well here's an article about tyson'
terrorism is politically motivated violence so the semantics game can stop in regard to gun violence in general vs terrorism.

ya ppl die either way but terrorists have loftier goals than a mcmurdering black or some lonely autist
I dont get it. Why compare guns with terrorism? Its apples and oranges. Why not compare people choking on ice cream with drinking and driving deaths? Its plainly obvious that he only motivation is politics.

Mr. Tyson's numbers wouldn't be as impressive if he took out suicide deaths, which make up the majority of gun deaths in the US.

Gun deaths 30,000

Fat fuck deaths of heart disease 600,000

Nobody screaming about McDonalds and dunkin donuts and coca cola killing Americans. Fuck. No, that shit is freely marketed to kids and even fed to them in schools. And then they grow up ADHD and psychopaths??? !

About 19,000 of the 30,000 gun deaths are suicide. The Left would have everyone to believe it's all from violent homicide. It's also a little ironic that assisted suicide is yet another issue that is polarized.
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In the USA, you're 5 times more likely to die from a right-wing terrorist than a muslim one.

And you are 9x more likely to be killed by a cop than you are any terrorist

More laws and cops to enforce them

Hopefully more gun control laws and SWAT amiright?
At the risk of having my post printed and obliterated, is there anyone who disagrees that "less likely to die" is definitely safer than "more likely to die"?
According to the article youre throwing a tantrum if youre comparing deaths by terrorism since x, with anythng other than guns.

I mean holy shit what the fuck is

Salon dot com is where ultra left wing fringe get what they like to pretend is news.

It is ultimate safe place

It is where people too left for MSNBC go after they had their fill of Rachael Madcow and where you go after you realize Huffpo just isn't crying hard enough about sensitivity