[OMG] Another mass shoo......ah never mind.

According to San Mateo County District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe, recent estimates suggest that approximately 30-40% of the firearms seized in the county are ghost guns. The Redwood City, South San Francisco and Daly City police departments all report rising numbers, with ghost guns comprising nearly 23% of the 44 firearms recovered in Daly City in 2021.

hmm so more than that in 2022. we're already past the breaking point. just wait until it spreads to countries where cops don't have guns or aren't trained well with them
What they refer to as ghost guns are just home assembled with mostly commercial parts. Basically you get an 80% finished receiver, drill a few holes, and drop in a bunch of factory made parts. No serial numbers, no track record of origin.

The link I posted above just takes it a step further, you can start with a raw chunk of aluminum.
All you need is a 3-D printer. A 5 year old can do it

They can make animal tissue with printers now
Look - you all know how fucking STUPID criminals are and they manage to get illegal guns. Now, think what a smart person could do...
i'm talking years down the line, the first 3d printed gun that worked was within the last decade. imagine 10/20 years from now
All you need is a 3-D printer. A 5 year old can do it

They can make animal tissue with printers now

yeah not really. You can make the lowers with 3d printers, but they still have strength issues. Can't make the uppers, bolt or barrel with 3d printers..yet. But there are many clever machinists out there that have the ability to do so in their garage/shop
Poor Germany, if they'd waited 70 years they could've steamrolled all of Europe. Well, more than they did.
I don't think we would have survived the Japanese if we took today's workers, companies and attitudes and went back in time to Pearl Harbor.
Boeing in Seattle was able to pump out 362 B-17s a month in 1944.
151 aircraft carriers were built in the U.S. during World War II.
Willys produced 363,000 Jeeps
Ford 280,000
Numbers are staggering.
The teamwork is staggering.
Today's crew?
Barrels and bolts are tricky tho

Barrels and bolts aren't regulated, and not even considered a firearm until you add the receiver. Only the receiver is actually the gun. Even that is up for debate and legal precedent was set in 2018 that it isn't. lol.
The ATF Is In Serious Trouble - The Truth About Guns

In effect, Nicolaysen argued that the ATF’s interpretation of federal law that they’ve been using to deem AR-15 lowers as legal firearms is wrong…and has been since, well, forever.

 Yes I know they accepted a plea deal 
I've an idea (edit: colossal idea) that will get every American on board with stricter gun control.

We get American Muslims, preferably Arab (beards, traditional garb, including dish-dash, keffiyeh, sandals, et cetera) to get Armalite style assault rifles, maybe a couple of pistols and knives for good measure, and send them into public. They can perhaps sew a Palestinian flag to the dish-dash, or if they are from Malaysia or wherever, they can wear the traditional Mercun (camouflage, tactical boots) costume, and we send those boys out to the red-neck shops.

Walmart is a favourite watering-hole for Americans that like to sport their ability to carry, so we'll send a lot of them there, maybe a handful to Grainger or pawn shops (you know, the usual Trumpster hangouts), and have them just walk around. They'll smile broadly from behind their Oakleys, stand just a liiiiitle to close to other shoppers and without being disruptive, draw attention to themselves, in the same way real mericans with carry permits do.

They'll do this every day, starting tomorrow. No way to predict exactly how their Mercun (It's called second mendmunt. Read a fuckin book!" counterparts, dressed in their own vernacular costumes will react, but no matter. The point is that stricter gun control will be on the table and brought to the hands of voters in 20 states inside of the first month.

I'm convinced that once implemented, this stroke of brilliance is going to have gun control as the topic of every dinner-table conversation in The Land.

Whatcha think?
Would be a lotta fun to watch but I suspect many of them would get shot just for being there. Which in turn will get a lot of rednecks off the streets. So pros and cons really.
Would be a lotta fun to watch but I suspect many of them would get shot just for being there. Which in turn will get a lot of rednecks off the streets. So pros and cons really.

This is merca an we don give fucks bout bloodshed, specially if it was ferm a real mercun exercising his GOT-DAM 2nd menmunt rites!

And yeah, I imagine there would be shoving matches, at the very least. Trumpsters are all about freedom unless it applies to more Americans than just them. Body count aside, I think my goal of having a serious discussion about guns would be achieved, on a national level.
I've an idea (edit: colossal idea) that will get every American on board with stricter gun control.

We get American Muslims, preferably Arab (beards, traditional garb, including dish-dash, keffiyeh, sandals, et cetera) to get Armalite style assault rifles, maybe a couple of pistols and knives for good measure, and send them into public. They can perhaps sew a Palestinian flag to the dish-dash, or if they are from Malaysia or wherever, they can wear the traditional Mercun (camouflage, tactical boots) costume, and we send those boys out to the red-neck shops.

Walmart is a favourite watering-hole for Americans that like to sport their ability to carry, so we'll send a lot of them there, maybe a handful to Grainger or pawn shops (you know, the usual Trumpster hangouts), and have them just walk around. They'll smile broadly from behind their Oakleys, stand just a liiiiitle to close to other shoppers and without being disruptive, draw attention to themselves, in the same way real mericans with carry permits do.

They'll do this every day, starting tomorrow. No way to predict exactly how their Mercun (It's called second mendmunt. Read a fuckin book!" counterparts, dressed in their own vernacular costumes will react, but no matter. The point is that stricter gun control will be on the table and brought to the hands of voters in 20 states inside of the first month.

I'm convinced that once implemented, this stroke of brilliance is going to have gun control as the topic of every dinner-table conversation in The Land.

Whatcha think?
meanwhile, in reality, gun proliferation is a good thing and no one here will have an issue with minorities possessing firearms

but you are a programmed automaton that is unable or unwilling to live in reality.