[Official] The Anglers Thread

i usually get my California license on the first as nothing is pro rated so i feel like i get my money worth but i just got it last weekend.

i got a gift card for bass pro shops so i grabbed this as it was on sale ...
Largemouth Bass have been 'en fuego' here in Florida. My buddy and I caught 66 in two days on artificials, the largest being my friend's 7.5 pounder. Will be going to the Gulf Coast for SB weekend and 4 days of saltwater fishing. I expect to humiliate my buddies (as usual). I will also out-drink them.

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legalize the drugs and regulate them this way when idiots clique up perhaps when the brain should be developing to illegal consume drugs and further fuck up they brains it is even easier to point out they are stupid to do just to be popular ~
What part of Florida? I'm guessing South. They haven't really been biting at all the past week in Central. We've gone everywhere. Going to give in and try night crawlers tomorrow.
i usually get my California license on the first as nothing is pro rated so i feel like i get my money worth but i just got it last weekend.

i got a gift card for bass pro shops so i grabbed this as it was on sale ...

I have a rotating spindel thingy that i keep my rods on. Actually thinking about throwing all that shit out and starting over. A lot of my rods and reels have sat in a shed for damn near a decade untouched and starting to succumb to dry rot and rust.
What part of Florida? I'm guessing South. They haven't really been biting at all the past week in Central. We've gone everywhere. Going to give in and try night crawlers tomorrow.

Orlando area. We fished ahead of a front moving in. Light rain and temps in the mid forties.
had about a hour after work to fish.. got to my local lake... closed in prep for the kids derby this weekend... SOAB :(
I have a rotating spindel thingy that i keep my rods on. Actually thinking about throwing all that shit out and starting over. A lot of my rods and reels have sat in a shed for damn near a decade untouched and starting to succumb to dry rot and rust.

Funny that - I just dragged out a load of 40+ year old rods and reels and cleaned them up to use for a laugh.

Particularly excited about the 60 year old Bakelite and stainless Alvey snapper winch that I will stick on an old school fibreglass boat rod. The Bakelite looks beautiful now it is all polished up, also old cork grips with a light sand and some oil and wax rubbed in are sensational:)
been trying to stay away from the lakes where i have to deal with people and rangers and buying permits and yada yada to fish what i like to call "freedom fishing" around here in the San Diego County. So i been hitting the San Diego river. lake hodges overflow river and a secret little pond in Poway all looking for largemouth bass.

Del Dios Highway produced this little 2 and half pounder. i had to chop tule weeds to get to the water but on first cast i hit it.

this one i got from a pond in Poway. took me a couple hours of fishing here before she hit. she hit a mini jig on 4lb test and ran me into the weeds right away. i got it out but then it got stuck when she got to me. i was standing on a pallet on top of the tule weeds just to get close enough to the water. so it was a but tricky but i got her. 3lb... pic does not show it well but she had a nice fat belly on her for the size she was.
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My reel died :( I thought the drag was set really low, but it was the gears slipping.
