[Official]Stranger Things Season 2 Netflix

Lol it's funny how all these angry white doods that hate sjws are now more outraged then the sjws they hate

This is some real fucking stupid outrage

What a bunch whiners
maybe he needs a video of alt-right hero jordan peterson wearing a fedora and crying about how women dont choose nice guys

I haven't even watched Stranger Things s2 dude, I'm just here to make fun of your pathetic nerdrage
I'm sure the decision to have max kiss Lucas at the snow ball had nothing to do with it fitting thematically with the rest of the episode or cementing that she chose Lucas over the other kid, and had everything to do with subverting the white race and making a poor white child lock lips with a nigger out of spite
I haven't even watched Stranger Things s2 dude, I'm just here to make fun of your pathetic nerdrage
You're really wasting your time then, because I have a limit on how much attention I give to retards. Obviously, you have a pathetic life if you get enjoyment by masturbating over how accepting and tolerant you are on the internet. I have a passion for stories, so I write with passion. The producers were manipulative and assholes, rick and morty was ruined because of the new writers, and my life is better than yours. Have fun with your "exciting" life, friend.
Also I'm sure she was upset she had to kiss a black guy and not that it was her first kiss ever as a 14 or 15 year old girl

Also she's an actor so she better get used to getting hot and heavy on set
if I was accepting and tolerant I wouldn't be e-bullying you for being a pathetic incel loser

try to think before you post dude

If I knew someone like you in real life, I'd be disgusted to even look at you. I'd get cuck vibes just from being around you. The producers inserted a kiss scene specifically because the girl reacted strongly to it. They literally thought-police'd her, and we know it's because of race. Screw you, dude.
I don't even
the good news about season 2 is that i no longer care about when season 3 comes out

because it feelz like i already watched it and will already know what it is about

it really was a one and done series
Fargo is dope

no one is trying to sway you though, where did you get that impression?

it's simply that it is pretty comical to hear some angsty virgin whining about interracial relationships on TV like we're still in the fuckin 50s or something

someone tell this kid that it's OK to be white :lol:
Can we give Captain Cuck his crew their own forum or something? Every fucking thread is getting derailed.

Anyway like many here have said, Season 1 is definitely better. But I don't think this follow up season falls all that short. Other than episode 7, christ wtf was that? It's like they just thought wait let's try this and see what happens. Well it was awful. But besides that one episode, I thought the season was pretty good in general.

The thing is, this season was missing something that season 1 had which I've now seen 3 times. I think it was the fact we had a recognizable, yet completely unrecognizable main villain. We didn't know where the fuck it came from, how it interacted the electricity, the shady fukin people trying to cover everything it up. It was mysterious yet familiar in a way. That's what made the journey to understand everything so intriguing.

This season the main villain is a smoke monster nobody else but Will can see, and can apparently posses people. It's too much to grasp...I mean what chance does anyone have against something like that (other than 11 of course). Who was treated primarily just as a deux ex machine in the later episodes. The whole trip to Chicago (ep 7) just didn't work, it's almost like they wrote 8 episodes then someone was like oh btw, we're gonna do 9 this year and they just went SHIT.

Anyway my main criticism is it just that it didn't have that same intangible connection the first season had. But still, it was pretty fucking good compared to most TV. Much better than the season 2 of True Detectives.