[Official] Panthers vs. Eagles

go panthers



checked nfl.com and they scored a TD right after i clicked 'see live game stats'
Can you imagine how fucking nuts it was with Steve Smith and Chad Johnson on the same team?

I feel sorry for those defenses
ya, not much good stuff happening so far

I was surprised to see Foster out again
lessee if DWill can break out
God....3rd fuckin down you fucks....Keyshawn, or Smith....throw the deep ball...not some pissy 5 yard toss 3 yards shy of the 1st down mark.
THROW IT TO SMITH GOD DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111 FUCK
what...the....fuck is with Delhomme?
How do you commit that many mistakes when you have been in the league this long?

Will we see yet another QB benched before year's end?