[OFFICIAL] :bandit:

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Cleaned my pipes super clean, got a decent size resin bowl. Man that got me higher than a mofo. :bandit:
where I live, all of the weed seems to come from mexico and I am really starting to get pissed off with the quality out here.

I've been back in Beaumont, TX for almost 4 yrs now but I used to live on Maui, Hawaii. To go from the bud there to the shit here has been heartbreaking. and NOW, it's even hard to find just the shitty weed, because this place is infested with so much crack cocaine that it makes it harder for people to make money on weed. I'm contemplating driving to Houston to find a big chunk of something decent and bringing it back.

My question though, I've never grown my own stuff and I really really want to try. I've read all about how to do it and I'm pretty sure I'd be fine, but is there any literature or sites u guys can recommend that can give me setups or instructions as far as what and how much nutrients to put in at what times etc and how much a small hydro setup might cost? I'm really only interested in growing for my own personal use, and I'm not an all day smoker, so I'm thinking if I can get 4-6 oz a month I'd be completely set. This thread is too fucken long to read if all of this has been mentioned before.

we need our own subforum IMHO
any literature or sites u guys can recommend

Cannabis Culture Magazine | Marijuana Magazine
specifically the grow forums The Grow Room - Cannabis Culture Forums

or buy turn-key hydro set up kits Hydroponics Grow Cabinets - BC Northern Lights

then you need to buy seeds or preferably clones. nobody reliable will ship to the US for obvious reasons. California probably has a ton of clone shops that can send you anything you want if you can forge their medical requirements or find a Canadian you know to mail order seeds/clones from either Dr. Clone | Main / Home or Vancouver Seed Bank, then have them re-mail the item to you via US post. (In Canada the shit is mailed dbl vacuum packed, and assembled in a 'clean room' with gloves so no smell is present, then sent domestic mail which is never checked by cops for drugs since you need ridiculous warrants to tamper with mail.)

Just don't have your foreign buddy use Purolater/Fedex
4-6oz is a shit ton. You're talking about 1/4 POUND of bud.

Just picked up a 1/4 oz for 45$ from this chick that digs me. Its some damn good bud too. Her family member grows or some shit. :shrug:

darkdonut wants to average 6 oz's a month from a small grow op and he has never grown before

and he thinks $45 for a quarter ounce of good pot isn't a good deal

why even reply 2 him
darkdonut wants to average 6 oz's a month from a small grow op and he has never grown before

and he thinks $45 for a quarter ounce of good pot isn't a good deal

why even reply 2 him

No shit... he reminds me of this one fucktard that told me he smoked the dank of the dank and got it for $50 an oz.

and :rofl: at him thinking he can pull off 6oz a month in his own 'grow op'
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