[OFFICIAL] :bandit:

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Is it wrong to get a credit line at the weed store?


I look at it as; If you cannot finicially pay for your bud habit you should smoke. Never get anything on a front, anything on a credit(wtf?), or anything along those means.

If you cannot go to the bank, and pull out a 100$ to blow on bud without breaking your bank, or being flat ass broke you shouldn't get it. Save, and wait.

Also, dont nickle and dime yourself. You'll spend more in the long run.

Save up a 100, 200$ and buy then. Dont get a 10 here, 30 there, maybe a 1/4.

Just flat out get an ounce or a 1/2 ounce.
I look at it as; If you cannot finicially pay for your bud habit you should smoke. Never get anything on a front, anything on a credit(wtf?), or anything along those means.

If you cannot go to the bank, and pull out a 100$ to blow on bud without breaking your bank, or being flat ass broke you shouldn't get it. Save, and wait.

Also, dont nickle and dime yourself. You'll spend more in the long run.

Save up a 100, 200$ and buy then. Dont get a 10 here, 30 there, maybe a 1/4.

Just flat out get an ounce or a 1/2 ounce.

and yeah, people that want to buy small amounts amaze me...it makes no sense
kray is such a fucking idiot.

You know, i may come off as an asshole but i'm really not (it's the internet), but Kray, you really are a fucking idiot.

do us all a favor and mainline a g of black tar
and yeah, people that want to buy small amounts amaze me...it makes no sense
It was a typo "shouldn't".

Also, it makes sense.

You buy a Gram for 20$ and you get .8 to .9
Now you buy an 1/8th for 60$ and you'll get 3.3 to 3.4
kray is such a fucking idiot.

You know, i may come off as an asshole but i'm really not (it's the internet), but Kray, you really are a fucking idiot.

do us all a favor and mainline a g of black tar

?? Why so much hate? I dont get it?
i've had periods where I was lucky if an 1/8th lasted a week, but those days are long gone and will never come again. :p:
lol i rolled a 2 gram joint yesterday

and WTF when i buy a gram it better at least be 1.0 a fucking gram. mostl places give 1.1 or 1.2 just because of differences in scales.

a 1/8 is 3.5 or more ...sounds like someone is snatching a little snapper out your sacks.
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