[Official] :bandit: 2.0

You live in washington and don't have a rec? I see you have trouble sleeping and feel pills are harmful to your body and would like to explore other avenues:

There are legitimate reasons to not get a card. Some of the biggest stoners I know are in CO and don't have cards.

Medical Marijuana May Be Coming to Florida in 2014
I hope that it does become legal here in Florida
damn, can you taste anything? i'm always 5.5, in the middle between 5 and 6. it was weird the first time but only because I hadn't grinded herb finely enough.

after a few years, I've found these are the best methods/settings:

5.5 heat

super finely ground herbs (always have some of these on hand for extra kify strains: Volcano Vaporizer Shop - Fine screen set for the Easy Valve filling chamber EASY VALVE Fine Screen Set 03 11 E | http://www.storz-bickel.com/shop-usd/product_info.php/info/p28_SOLID-VALVE-Fine-Screen-Set.html)

pre heat the filling chamber before every bag fill by putting it on the volcano, turn on air, wait 3-10 seconds until you can see vapor, then affix & fill bag

after 6 or so bags I tap the filling chamber against hand to stir up herbs, then level the herbs out by tapping the chamber down like a shot glass.

I get up to 16 bag fills of yummy tasting powerful strength
I run my digi Volcano at 365 and I fill the bag, knock the material out into my hand and put it back in (to mix it up), and do a second bag. Then it goes in the ashtray.

On 4/20 I'll be at my aunt's house. It's her 70th birthday. I'll just go toke in the back yard. She doesn't care as long as I'm outside.
