[Official] :bandit: 2.0

sorry, you are also under the classic idiot's assumption (also juggs/mitch 101) that someone recognizing the inanity of your ramblings is mad

and i assure you, i'm too high to be mad even if i wanted to

The why are you questioning how high I got between two different doses?

Me:Yesterday I smoked some weed and got a good high.

Me:Today I smoked some weed and got fucking stoned.

You: No you didn't.. you are rambling. It isn't scientific.

tbh i think his personality will affect his conclusion more than anything, it wont be whether it got more potent or not, it's more about whether he already believes what he's been told

but it's fun to use that an excuse to dose a bunch and get really introspective about the quality of each session :)

so whatever makes him happy :shrug:

I wished that worked back in the day when I would buy expensive and great smelling bud and smoke it only to find out the high was weak at best. I wouldn't have been bummed out about a low quality high when everything said that high would be top grade

On the flip I have smoked shitty looking mexi brick and got fuckered up. I didn't expect that either.

For the record.. when I bought weed I bought by the ounce and my opinion did not change day to day about how good or bad the weed actually was
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Another tip: instead of using bud, next time use hash oil or just plain hash/kif. Less messy, you can make it much more potent, and it is a cleaner tasting end product. I have a homemade rosin press, and purchase 190 proof alcohol off the internet. Decarb the rosin/hash oil, mix with the alcohol, and the tincture is ready in literally minutes. Don't even need to strain it.

My preference is to make a super strong batch, and then cut it with honey. I found straight tincture burns like a motherfucker, and fucks up your mouth if you dose regularly. Infused honey in tea is pretty fucking awesome.
I wished that worked back in the day when I would buy expensive and great smelling bud and smoke it only to find out the high was weak at best. I wouldn't have been bummed out about a low quality high when everything said that high would be top grade

On the flip I have smoked shitty looking mexi brick and got fuckered up. I didn't expect that either.

For the record.. when I bought weed I bought by the ounce and my opinion did not change day to day about how good or bad the weed actually was

For what it is worth, sublinguals/edibles work differently than smoking. A lot more variables come into play when dealing with the digestive track.
Infused honey in tea is pretty fucking awesome.

do u find if u leave infused honey when it starts to granulate and crystallize the infusion separates? ive always wondered about infused honey because its not soluble afaik so its essentially just mixed with honey rather than actually bonding to any fats or anything
Another tip: instead of using bud, next time use hash oil or just plain hash/kif. Less messy, you can make it much more potent, and it is a cleaner tasting end product. I have a homemade rosin press, and purchase 190 proof alcohol off the internet. Decarb the rosin/hash oil, mix with the alcohol, and the tincture is ready in literally minutes. Don't even need to strain it.

My preference is to make a super strong batch, and then cut it with honey. I found straight tincture burns like a motherfucker, and fucks up your mouth if you dose regularly. Infused honey in tea is pretty fucking awesome.

I am kinda lazy.. I mean I put a good amount of time into getting quality growth. I have plenty of bud. Not bragging, just saying. So the trim and small buds get separated. I don't spend a lot of time on the small stuff I want the colas so my trim bags are actually pretty good quality and I don't want to waste it. But..

Shatter is good but takes too much time with large batches and dangerous, sort of.

Bubble. Easier than shatter but still takes a bit. I already got time into this, and the added time vs what I get is a trade off I am not making cause I don't have too.

Tincture is looking like my thing. I will be trying a few easy recipes and see what happens. Today was just another try of the brew. I still plan on letting this sit for the full 2 weeks then strain. I already have enough again to try the other 2 methods when I get in the mood.

Good thing here is I can buy Everclear at the store

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For what it is worth, sublinguals/edibles work differently than smoking. A lot more variables come into play when dealing with the digestive track.

Which is why I don't like edibles. I want to use drops under my tongue so delivery and dosage is little more consistent

Also, just these few times trying it so far, under the tongue has a little sting but nothing else.
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do u find if u leave infused honey when it starts to granulate and crystallize the infusion separates? ive always wondered about infused honey because its not soluble afaik so its essentially just mixed with honey rather than actually bonding to any fats or anything

I have never had it crystalize or granulate, but the mix will separate. Definitely have to mix it up with each use. The honey is just a vehicle, makes the tincture a bit more tolerable.

I have experimented with different solvents (PG/VG mixes, fats/oils) and they all wind up too weak potency wise, using the same amounts of hash oil. Not sure if it has to do with reaching maximum saturation points of the solvents, or what, but alcohol has always worked best for me. Easiest to work with as well, IMO, just have to keep the room ventilated, no heat source, etc, basic safety shit.
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Which is why I don't like edibles. I want to use drops under my tongue so delivery and dosage is little more consistent

Also, just these few times trying it so far, under the tongue has a little sting but nothing else.

Yeah, absolutely, tinctures are great for that. Somewhat of a middle ground between smoking and edibles.

What proof of alcohol are you using?
That pic not show? It is Everclear, 190. I guess enough people drink it here because they stock the shit out it. All big bottles... maybe everyone is making tincture heh
That pic not show? It is Everclear, 190. I guess enough people drink it here because they stock the shit out it. All big bottles... maybe everyone is making tincture heh

I think you added the edit after I posted, or I just missed it when I replied.

Yeah 190 proof everclear is not available in WA as far as I know, never see it in stores. I tried making it with 151, it didnt turn out as strong as I wanted.