[official] appendicitis blows

whine more

mine ruptured, went to the hospital, had it out

was out of the hospital in 2 days and back at school in 5 or so

it's not that big of a deal
When it actually ruptures the pain goes away mostly. It's way more deadly, but the pain is gone.

I won't pretend i'm not a little girl when it comes to surgery pain.
I didn't get mine out until the 4th day after it burst. I had thought it was gas pain previously. I limped into the hospital and sat there for 3 hours while they dicked around and waited for my scan to come back. When it did they suddenly started taking me more seriously. What a terrible fiasco that was, and because it was such a mess they didn't clean it properly and I wound up with a strep infection on my liver for almost 6 months. I should be dead so very dead.
When it actually ruptures the pain goes away mostly. It's way more deadly, but the pain is gone.
I disagree with this.
I didn't get mine out until the 4th day after it burst. I had thought it was gas pain previously. I limped into the hospital and sat there for 3 hours while they dicked around and waited for my scan to come back. When it did they suddenly started taking me more seriously. What a terrible fiasco that was, and because it was such a mess they didn't clean it properly and I wound up with a strep infection on my liver for almost 6 months. I should be dead so very dead.

I walked into a non busy hospital and since it hadnt ruptured I was still in the classic pain they can recognize easily. Im assuming you had open not larp with a ruptured one?
When it actually ruptures the pain goes away mostly. It's way more deadly, but the pain is gone.

I won't pretend i'm not a little girl when it comes to surgery pain.

i fell over when it ruptured

puking everywhere and couldn't really see

dad drove me to emerge at like 10 at night and i had surgery the next morning

it was insanely painful, but once i was hooked up to morphine i had fun
i got 90 hydrocodones for an abcess near my tailbone. was that doctor an idiot?

doesnt seem like a typical dose considering i only got 10 hydros when i got 3rd degree burns on my finger
Well I obviously won't doubt you on the pain, since yours ruptured and mine didn't. thats just what they teach.
i fell over when it ruptured

puking everywhere and couldn't really see

dad drove me to emerge at like 10 at night and i had surgery the next morning

it was insanely painful, but once i was hooked up to morphine i had fun

Did you have much complications from infection or did they clean up pretty good? the rupture that is.

The morphine was pretty nice.

Edit for rayn:

Did the pain change when it ruptured is that why they didnt take it more seriously? Was it less classical (location/point tendorness/etc)?

Ok back to spore..
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I walked into a non busy hospital and since it hadnt ruptured I was still in the classic pain they can recognize easily. Im assuming you had open not larp with a ruptured one?
Yeah they can't do larp they have to wash out your insides, and in my case they didn't do a good job at all. I went to the ER a few weeks after it happened cause they wouldn't give me any more painkillers and I was still having a lot of pain.

They said you shouldn't be in any more pain so if you are go to the ER (calling my buff?) so I went. The dr. on call shows up and looks at my scan, there is a cantaloupe sized abcess on my liver that he diagnoses as a hematoma which will pass on its own. He tells me to stop laying in bed so much (I was back at work 3 days after my surgery). So I think everything is fine but I feel like total shit, my GP diagnoses my with lyme but does no bloodwork. I'm unsure what he based that on. So I'm on a low dose of antibiotics which keeps me from dying, but I'm not healing.

Finally people are like, dude you should be better. My internal med doctor is like ... maybe we should stick a needle in that 'hematoma' and see what is in it. Surprise, surprise! It's full of strep and its melon sized! So they send me to an infectious disease specialist. I had to get IV antibiotics and a heavy dose of oral for a few months until it shrank and I stopped having fevers daily. The side effects from all those antibiotics were actually worse than being sick.

I had way too much faith in my doctors. I will never make that mistake again.
rook said:
Did the pain change when it ruptured is that why they didnt take it more seriously? Was it less classical (location/point tendorness/etc)?
Pain was terrible, I was unable to focus my eyes after a few hours because I was just too tired from dealing with it and the room started spinning. The doctors were taking their sweet ass time because they thought I hadn't ruptutred: I had only a mild fever, my white blood cell count was normal, and I was able to walk around. When they looked at the film and realized I had been walking around for 4 days with an abdomen full of poop floating around in it (and was likely septic) things moved much quicker and I was in surgery within like 10 minutes tops.
Did you have much complications from infection or did they clean up pretty good? the rupture that is.

The morphine was pretty nice.

Edit for rayn:

Did the pain change when it ruptured is that why they didnt take it more seriously? Was it less classical (location/point tendorness/etc)?

Ok back to spore..

nah I was fine

It was gross having a tube leaking juice from my gut hanging out for a while, but otherwise it was fine.

Gave me some T3s and sent me home.
don't bother with spore it blows.

God you aren't kidding. I paid $55 for purchase + download. oops.
hopefully it gets a bit better and if it doesnt dont say anything.. heh.

Got nothing else to do though i'll keep pushing through it and beat it since i'm down till monday for anything to do.
Rayn is the king of appendicitis stories. To this day when I hear someone has appendicitis I think of the shit you went through...fucking strange the stuff from the forums that sticks with you.