"Occupy" Central Hong Kong


Nazi Admin++
Dayum, they sure know how to party!

"The mass protests are the strongest challenge yet to Beijing's decision last month to reject open nominations for candidates under proposed guidelines for the first-ever elections for Hong Kong's leader, promised for 2017. Instead, candidates must continue to be hand-picked by a committee of mostly local pro-Beijing tycoons — a move that many residents viewed as reneging on promises to allow greater democracy in the semi-autonomous territory."


So, how long until the commie party goes all "Tiananmen Square" on their asses?
Seperate anti-government protests happening in Tokyo aswell.
tribalwarrior 1: lmaos gooks

tribalwarrior 2: see this is why america has fat

tribalwarrior 1: lmao

tribalwarrior 3: SLANT EYES

tribalwarrior 2: have u guys seen this huffington post article?

tribalwarrior 4:

nash: BAN
horse-eating asians are an inferior race

the horse is a companion animal and any man who would slaughter it for survival is a degenerate barbarian
China is in for a lot of social problems down the road.

They do way too much shady shit and now with more and more of their citizens moving off the rice paddy and into the suburbs with white collar jobs and disposable income, they can afford to start complaining about the bullshit the government has been forcing on them.

Their ultra-high income folks are even shadier than ours. I mean -- "candidates must continue to be hand-picked by a committee of mostly local pro-Beijing tycoons" -- hi there. It's like the US, but even more blatant.
England has been so damn silent on this. The PRC banned instagram and all related search terms. HKers had 150 years of civilization under English rule and won't tolerate that bullshit. Absolutely fascinating situation.
England has been so damn silent on this. The PRC banned instagram and all related search terms. HKers had 150 years of civilization under English rule and won't tolerate that bullshit. Absolutely fascinating situation.

Cameron just said he's deeply concerned about hong kong's situation.. But... it's not like it is england's problem anymore.. so.. :boohoo:
England has been so damn silent on this. The PRC banned instagram and all related search terms. HKers had 150 years of civilization under English rule and won't tolerate that bullshit. Absolutely fascinating situation.

saying one country is more civilised than another is oppressive

they're just differently civilised is all

1. do idiot drug deals with people from TW and get owned
2. get made fun of for years
3. change nick in hopes people forget
4. Fail
saying one country is more civilised than another is oppressive

they're just differently civilised is all

Heh, just like the kids in the special class are differently abled

Sometimes you just have to call a repressive oligarchy out for what it is
Taiwan hasn't been given any more choices than Hong Kong has in this matter.

both have been inundated and infiltrated by Chinese loyalists.
Taiwan hasn't been given any more choices than Hong Kong has in this matter.

both have been inundated and infiltrated by Chinese loyalists.

I'm not totally sure what you mean exactly. What do you mean about "given choices"? It's certainly clear that Taiwan's large corporations (and hence many politicians) are very strongly tied to the mainland and they have less allegiance to Taiwan than to their financial interests. But unlike Hong Kong, Taiwan is a separate country with a separate government and military (regardless of whether other countries choose to recognize that) and they're going to have to fight hard to keep it that way.

Though honestly I'm pretty sure they'll just continue their slow course of losing international influence/building stronger mainland ties until unification becomes inevitable.