[NZ] mosque shooting


I think it's interesting that when shitskins kill us, it's never an attack on White people but on "our democratic values". When it's the other way around, always a racial thing. Interesting how Whites are diminished to a set of values like that. I wonder why.
I'd say anyone has the capacity for great evil, as our /pol mass murderer upstanding values white man has prominently displayed
Tele you are painting too broad of a brush here. Yes, Israel is an evil state that is putting the Palestinians through their own Holocaust. Yes, immigration is a huge issue. Yes, the media is wholly corrupt and one-sided. Yes, there is much work and change to be done. Yes, Muslims have committed countless crimes against Christians and others.

I can’t tell if you’re excusing the act of child and women murder though. Is that ever OK? What’s your stance on this massacre? Havax? Uno?

I agree with many of his beliefs. BUT, Killing innocent people is never a good thing.

Modern society pushes cultural mixing of races and religions in spite of the overwhelming proof that people have a natural inclination to segregate themselves.

Makes no sense to me, and feels nefarious
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I'd say anyone has the capacity for great evil, as our /pol mass murderer upstanding values white man has prominently displayed
This will get better or worse by making people who hate each other co-exist? Because there's plenty of proof to the contrary.
I'd say anyone has the capacity for great evil, as our /pol mass murderer upstanding values white man has prominently displayed

That's purely a perspective thing. I don't think he did "great evil", in fact the opposite. Now, I believe the targets were Indonesian muslims. Over 70% of Indonesian muslims believe Sharia should be the law. That means if you're an atheist like me, off with my head. I don't believe in killing all Indonesian muslims. I just want them out of my fucking country.
HRMMMM let me just see here... Who do I wanna import into our already fragile society


IQ by region

Let's go with yellow and red. Nice colors.
That scumbag asshat spent time in north korea, and pakistan. Both of which were/are well known not nice spy hangouts.

While in pakistan publicly kissed up to the same religion enemies of the people he murdered today.

Streams the heinous act live on fb.

Next the media blames, by name, both half and infinity. Pats fb on head.

Then nz, who is balls deep in espionage itself, bans the chans.

When the chans are the best place to get to the bottom of things/spread information, is majorly diverse (both ethically/religiously) due to free speech.

While fisagate is going on/escalating here in the US.

1+1 = the chans were set up to help stem the spread of forthcoming info that btfo of all the lying bs basically every person on earth has been subjected to for years now by the very same groups who are behind all the bs to begin with. Who have everything to gain from all of the media attention about all of everything and have the most to lose.

Whomever is behind this bullshit should have lurked maor.
Yeah, I came back here just to check on how much psychopathic justification of this event was occurring.

Moderate amount? Moderate amount.

Real life isn't some 0-sum PvP match. Way too many people here seem to frame it as one.
omgggggg mun musta jakkt off him big blak fukkn munc0ck bout 15 o 16 tyme 2 mosq sh00tn vidya omggggg peepee so fukn sore :king:
Yeah, I came back here just to check on how much psychopathic justification of this event was occurring.

Moderate amount? Moderate amount.

Real life isn't some 0-sum PvP match. Way too many people here seem to frame it as one.

You came back to type a bunch of words that don't say anything at all. Excellent
Yeah, I came back here just to check on how much psychopathic justification of this event was occurring.

Moderate amount? Moderate amount.

Real life isn't some 0-sum PvP match. Way too many people here seem to frame it as one.
Thoughts and prayers, thoughts, and prayers.

Everything is fine now.
This is a horrific day for those families. This was done to cause division and to allow the government to have more control. I feel sorry for the people who were killed especially is a place of worship.