[NZ] mosque shooting

I had to d\l the video....fuuuuuuuuuuck


Were you taught violence and extremism by video
Yes, Spyro the dragon 3 taught me ethno-nationalism. Fortnite trained me
to be a killer and to floss on the corpses of my enemies.
tbh i watched like 4 mins of the video and all i could think was "this fking noob is inefficient as hell and clearly only plays shit games like call of duty -- GET THE RUNNERS, NOT THE PILE OF IMMOBILIZED OR ALREADY DEAD BODIES YOU FKING NOOB JFC WAY TO UPHOLD SUBARU OWNERS' IMAGE AS FECKLESS LIL POSER BITCHES"

i also noticed v little in the way of blood spillage, reinforcing the notion that m0slems are indeed heartless

so i'm going to hell after this lifetime of living in a californicated hellhole, goddamn wat a losing streak i'm on
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while anglo supremacists piss on usa for not caring about public safety b/c :scared:~guns~:scared:, mighty mighty uk shows that it is a worse crime to swallow a goldfish than it is to kidnap little english girls, rape and kill them, and dispose of their corpses as kebab meat :cool:

Man fined for swallowing goldfish at Bridgwater Fair - BBC News

A man who was filmed swallowing a live goldfish at a funfair and washing it down with a beer has been fined £300 for animal cruelty.

Josh Coles, 27, from Washfield near Tiverton, was filmed in September 2018 putting the fish he won in his mouth.

Exeter magistrates heard Coles was "amused and bemused" by the investigation, saying it was "only a goldfish".

He admitted causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal.

The 14-second long video - posted by Coles' girlfriend - showed him holding the fish in his right hand before putting it into his mouth.

The clip showed he then drank half a pint of beer to swallow it before opening his mouth to show his friends that he had gulped it down.

He was filmed at the Bridgwater Fair in Somerset, which took place between 26 and 29 September. The court heard Coles was a "class clown" who showed off in front of people

Vet David Martin said the goldfish was still alive when it was swallowed, the court heard.

Prosecutor, Lindi Meyer said Coles, a tree surgeon by profession, was "egged on" by two other people who laughed as he carried out the act.

"He caused the death of the animal," she said.

A probation officer said Coles was a "class clown" who showed off in front of people and he was "embarrassed and ashamed" by what he had done.

Solicitor Jeremy Tricks, defending, said Coles had been diagnosed with ADHD, depression and anxiety.

Coles was sentenced to a 12-month community order with 200 hours of unpaid work and five days of rehabilitation.

He was also ordered to pay £300 with an £85 victim surcharge and was given a five-year ban from keeping fish.

Speaking after the hearing, RSPCA Inspector John Pollock said the goldfish would have suffered a "great deal".

Dear White People: collectively, you are worth less than a single goldfish. Know your place. :chill:
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Varg made a video about this. When people buy guns now it's best to just tell absolutely no one and bury a few in the ground on property you own.
I read these news headlines that are posted here and usually follow them just to see if it's really true, that it's really not the onion. Goldfish protected? are they kidding me? What's the fuck clown world do we live in; Europe, my goodness I hope the United States can stay out of Europe and stay out of their mindset.

And the BBC just reports this with a straight face not questioning anything about the laws being insane.

while anglo supremacists piss on usa for not caring about public safety b/c :scared:~guns~:scared:, mighty mighty uk shows that it is a worse crime to swallow a goldfish than it is to kidnap little english girls, rape and kill them, and dispose of their corpses as kebab meat :cool:

Man fined for swallowing goldfish at Bridgwater Fair - BBC News

Dear White People: collectively, you are worth less than a single goldfish. Know your place. :chill:
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usa needs to invade europe now and slaughter these fucking ultra freakshows asap b4 they literally destroy human civilization on this earth. there is no fixing them. they must die.
Yeah ban guns, they are clearly the problem.

God damn these people are fucking stupid.

I really wish the dude had used a truck or just doused the place in fuel, barred the doors and burned it down.
Yeah ban guns, they are clearly the problem.

God damn these people are fucking stupid.

I really wish the dude had used a truck or just doused the place in fuel, barred the doors and burned it down.

basically do what that Sudanese islamic invader did to those poor kids on that school bus in Italy the other day (that MSM still refused to report on)

like I have been saying we are already at war i'm afraid to say

this is so much worse than people being stupid

goshin is stupid....he makes excuses and is low iq plus gullible

these people are accomplices and complicit to what is happening

Battle Beagle on Twitter:

I mean check out the responses on this thread



endless pages of them.....

they think we are embarrassing for not entirely cucking and submitting to Islam

for not doing this like they did on the nightly news again last night



for this not being the new normal of acceptance



good luck NZ u gonna need it now more than ever before

Mustafa Abdelmonem, who was shot in the arm, told me: "It really gives us strength to say 'You didn't affect us, we are still here, we're going to stay, this is our country, you guys should be getting out, not us'."

> you guys should be getting out, not us

yeah u guys fucked sorry dudes



the invasion is gonna be worse than u ever even imagined

good bye white atlantis.....hello orc army shire

u about to suffer full globina

u guys should read coombz over at reddit.....:lol:

i mean all that shit he talked about having none of these problems for so long almost makes it funny if we weren't all going to die from this global disaster
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i mean this really is too good for me not to keep spamming








when words are treated worse than actual violence

and the world only respects those who appear to be the most violent

a rational person can't be shocked when you see more violence.....what a hell this will create


fear based reactionary policy only going to make everyone more fearful
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just a freindly reminder



of how we got here......as in right here

remember when colonialism was bad......well apparently only in one direction

When I was a young punk kid in first year uni taking anthropology courses and raging out about how globalism was destroying tribal cultures and languages everyone applauded. For some reason tho, when I rage out about this happening to European tribes I get called names. :shrug: Weird.
Yeah ban guns, they are clearly the problem.

God damn these people are fucking stupid.

I really wish the dude had used a truck or just doused the place in fuel, barred the doors and burned it down.

The people who are going after the guns are partially responsible for the deaths of innocents. That's what I believe.