Nuclear war with North Korea.

unfortunately its a bit late for this attitude to be productive :<

it's awful Japan had atomics dropped on them.
the flip side is at least it made people aware how horrific the potential for damage is.

modern nuclear weapons are so much more powerful too. it's just unfathomable.

also we need to keep all those nukes for when aliens invade.

No, we need a fence for the aliens. And a path to citizenship. Nukes won't solve anything.
maybe if we fly planes into their government buildings the "smart" citizens will start believing it was their own government who bombed themselves. then they can overthrow their own government.
Yeah for them.


Always enjoyed this graph.

Tsar Bomba the scariest shit ever created by man.

on the topic, generally, these are two of the best books I have ever read:

The Making of the Atomic Bomb: 25th Anniversary Edition: Richard Rhodes: 9781451677614: Books

Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb: Richard Rhodes: 9780684824147: Books

the first is the making of the a-bomb, from Szilard to Nagasaki, the second is more about Teller, making the H bomb and the Soviet program.

lots of layman+ physics and a nice dose of espionage stuff re: the Soviet program.

The last one is great too:

lots of post-cold war foriegn policy stuff, with real insight into Soviet motivations (not the specualtive neoconservative crap I was fed throughout college).
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i have a feeling that the defense contractors are laughing all the way to the bank on this. in fact, N. Korea is allowed to stay the way they are because of all the money that the defense contractors make by selling weapon systems every time N. Korea says something.

the sad part is the way the American MSM is reacting. "ZOMG!!! nuclear WAR any moment!!" especially when one considers that Cheney and Rumsfeld sold N Korea the tech to make the bombs just to continue to sell weapons to the surrounding nations and, ours.
i have a feeling that the defense contractors are laughing all the way to the bank on this. in fact, N. Korea is allowed to stay the way they are because of all the money that the defense contractors make by selling weapon systems every time N. Korea says something.

the sad part is the way the American MSM is reacting. "ZOMG!!! nuclear WAR any moment!!" especially when one considers that Cheney and Rumsfeld sold N Korea the tech to make the bombs just to continue to sell weapons to the surrounding nations and, ours.

Some solid shit behind that.

How they get them reactors. Oh yeah.......

How they get some of that money for weapons. Oh yeah.......

The more likely you are to be in the market to buy our military weapons the more foreign aid and assistance we apparently give you.

But what else is new? We have self manufactured, or assisted, every enemy we have had to fight since WWII. All part of playing the giant game of world police force.
The more likely you are to be in the market to buy our military weapons the more foreign aid and assistance we apparently give you.

But what else is new? We have self manufactured, or assisted, every enemy we have had to fight since WWII. All part of playing the giant game of world police force.

Rumsfeld was on ABB board during deal with North Korea

Donald Rumsfeld, the US secretary of defence, was on the board of technology giant ABB when it won a deal to supply North Korea with two nuclear power plants.

Weapons experts say waste material from the two reactors could be used for so-called “dirty bombs”.

The Swiss-based ABB on Friday told swissinfo that Rumsfeld was involved with the company in early 2000, when it netted a $200 million (SFr270million) contract with Pyongyang.

The ABB contract was to deliver equipment and services for two nuclear power stations at Kumho, on North Korea's east coast.

Rumsfeld - who is one of the Bush administration's most strident "hardliners" on North Korea - was a member of ABB's board between 1990 and February 2001, when he left to take up his current post.

Wolfram Eberhardt, a spokesman for ABB, told swissinfo that Rumsfeld "was at nearly all the board meetings" during his decade-long involvement with the company.


Eberhardt said it was possible that the North Korea deal never crossed the ABB boardroom desk.

"At the time, we generated a lot of big orders in the power generation business [worth] around $1 billion...[so] a $200 million contract was, so to speak, a smaller one."

When asked whether a deal with a country such as North Korea - a communist state with declared nuclear intentions - should have been brought to the ABB board's attention, Eberhardt told swissinfo:

"Yes, maybe. But so far we haven't any evidence for that because the protocols were never disclosed. So maybe it was a discussion point, maybe not," says Eberhardt.

A Pentagon spokeswoman, Victoria Clark, recently told "Newsweek" magazine that "Secretary Rumsfeld does not recall it being brought before the board at any time".

US grants N Korea nuclear funds

The US Government has announced that it will release $95m to North Korea as part of an agreement to replace the Stalinist country's own nuclear programme, which the US suspected was being misused.
Under the 1994 Agreed Framework an international consortium is building two proliferation-proof nuclear reactors and providing fuel oil for North Korea while the reactors are being built.

In releasing the funding, President George W Bush waived the Framework's requirement that North Korea allow inspectors to ensure it has not hidden away any weapons-grade plutonium from the original reactors.

President Bush argued that the decision was "vital to the national security interests of the United States".

a few days ago we hear:
Lawmaker drops bombshell: North Korea may have nuclear missiles

An unclassified Pentagon report not yet released to the public suggests that North Korea can arm missiles with nuclear warheads, a lawmaker revealed Thursday.

The results of a classified Defense Intelligence Agency report indicate that “North Korea now has nuclear weapons capable of delivery by ballistic missiles.”

That was the bombshell out of a House Armed Services Committee hearing Thursday.

It came when Rep. Doug Lamborn (R) of Colorado began quoting from what he said was an unclassified version of the DIA report, which has not yet been made public.

however, back in 03:

North Korea Missile Warhead Found in Alaska

The warhead of a long-range missile test-fired by North Korea was found in the U.S. state of Alaska, a report to the National Assembly revealed yesterday.

``According to a U.S. document, the last piece of a missile warhead fired by North Korea was found in Alaska,'' former Japanese foreign minister Taro Nakayama was quoted as saying in the report. ``Washington, as well as Tokyo, has so far underrated Pyongyang's missile capabilities.''

oh yeah, this has been in the making for many years. im sure its made a few really wealthy and powerful people, even more wealthy and powerful at the expense of trillions in US tax payer dollars. freaking assholes.
a beautiful saturday afternoon with no missiles in sight

might go across the street to the beach but i dunno

too hot outside