Not all texans are dumbass rednecks

Some analyst had too much time on his hands to shade each county accurately for that picture which was aired for all of 4 seconds maybe.
no U

It hasn't changed that much in over 6 years...

Democratic gerrymandering & all :shrug:
not that big red state. this one...

I am soooooooo glad I don't live there.
So does the rest of Texas
isnt it really just one big red state?
My map is more accurate at refuting your original statement.
HaPpY said:
gee i wonder what the areas bordering mexico are blue :lol:
Spanish...can you speak any better in that language?
if you can say y'all and howdy without holding a bible in one hand and a rifle in the other i guess you're ok.
not that big red state. this one...


Isn't it funny how California is making all the money for the rest of the country, that puts it down, votes completely opposite of their lord and masters, and doesn't even have the same work ethic values as California

I think we've been screwed long enough by the lowlifes. We've been two fucking good, supportive, and forgiving to these idiots. Time to raise the bar higher.... with a double run of barb wire and mesh.
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but fngr is

And enough of them are so that Texas can forever be the butt of all jokes regarding rednecks, retards, and gay cowboys.

Oh yeah. And Texas didn't help itself by giving us this guy:

And enough of them are so that Texas can forever be the butt of all jokes regarding rednecks, retards, and gay cowboys.

Oh yeah. And Texas didn't help itself by giving us this guy:


the funniest thing in that picture is the magnetic bracelet :lol:
I voted for kinky. Man it woulda been sweet to have willie as energy czar. BIOFUEL FOR ALL
Why can't we have the jew cowboy for govenor damnit
It's funny how much Texas seems like Queensland here for us Aussies... It's a place that people seem to be extremely proud to be from, and no-one can ever actually understand why.