Not a tornado


Veteran XV
Turns out what hit my mobile home park was just a micro-burst. Not a full fledged tornado. And checking out the damage this morning makes that kinda obvious. Here's the aftermath.

Tornado 2 (The morning after) - Imgur

Sorry for the miss-info (and the new thread). Wanted to make sure I got the story right for you guys.

Will try and get a real tornado for you next time.
Uhm.. So many things wrong with this, but you get a pass since you are sick...
You guys are assholes. I don't know why I expected better of TW.

Microbursts are no joke. There have been some so strong that they've damaged radar domes so badly that it looked like a giant fist punched in the side.
Actually I think he was let off kinda easy, but you getting angry is okay too. Continue.
dang, the wind blew so hard it pulled the grass out of the ground and grew it by two feet

gj surviving brah