zVxTeflon said:
airsoft is a penis substitute for people who are faggots and cant buy real penis substitutes..(ie..real guns)

No, its obvious you don't give a fuck about airsoft. So how about you shut the fuck up for those of us who obviously to have some interest in it around here.
I seriously want to get into some hardcore woods style airsoft.
I'm a fatass, but I can hide like a motherfucker.
Doc Holliday said:
I love close minded individuals.

You are the same kind of person that made fun of me 6 years ago for playing a game online with a team. Those same assholes are now playing games online. Funny how peoples opinions of whats cool and acceptable changes.

You also completely miss the point of why they play. Its all for the adrenaline rush and competition. Some people get it by means that differ from yourself.

I personally get mine from basketball and softball. Airsoft does appeal to me though so I might one day get into it.

i would hate to know what slobax gets his adrenaline rush from :closet:
i think airsoft is fairly cool, more or less like paintball.

and when it comes right down to it, if half this forum brushed the doritos off their shirts and got into an airsoft engagement, half would die quick, the othe rhalf would be behind a tree, puking and gasping for air before they died
airsoft seems like paintball. paintball is fun so I am sure airsoft is fun.

I do agree that there are too many posts about it as of late, but I think boofoo is just excited about his new hobby. As hobbies go I don't think it is a bad one at all. It is outside, intense, and has the chance that someone could get hurt.
Falhawk said:
airsoft seems like paintball. paintball is fun so I am sure airsoft is fun.

I do agree that there are too many posts about it as of late, but I think boofoo is just excited about his new hobby. As hobbies go I don't think it is a bad one at all. It is outside, intense, and has the chance that someone could get hurt.

I like the idea for no other reason then it has the base of all the things I loved about Paintball without the things I disliked. I dug running around in the woods shooting at friends, having tense battles. I didn't like the guns being bulky ass-tastic space pistols.
playing with a fully automatic AEG that shoots in excess of 400 fps is not the same thing as playing with a springer pistol.

that being said, I do give a fuck about airsoft, it is fun as HELL

plus I plan on making A LOT of other people care about airsoft :)

so put me on pignore if you dont want to see threads about it, because I am going to continually post about it.
airsoft is the gayest name given to a game ever...atleast paintball sounds decent, but airsoft? how faggish is that
I used to play paintball alot. But I got older and it got boring. I also got tired of always being the first one picked, so I was always feeling bad for everyone else. ;)
LostDuck said:
I love that Mofo posts airsoft to give me PS opportunities like my sig... :p:

we're playing sunday if you wanna come check it out (also playing thursday night TEEHEE)
Dark Volcanic said:
There are realistic guns for paintball, mostly made by Tippman. The premise behind paintball is different though. You have much larger rounds that break and spray, which makes paintball much more suitable for tournament style play types such as speedball, xball, hyperball, so on and so forth.

Airsoft is probably going to be the route to take for military style play, smaller, solid rounds, higher speeds. You dont have to worry about brush and stuff completely destroying your ammo before it reaches halfway to the other guy.

I never really got in to the whole "let's pretend we're military" paintball/airsoft stuff. Speedball always seemed far more intense.
Sojourn said:
Speedball always seemed far more intense.

ya speedball rocks.
