NoGodForMe I am genuinely fascinated

Enjoy your cancer OP. because when you get it, your going to do radiation therapy, surgery, and every other option available to you by the cancer society. And then when your almost fucking dead, your going to go back to this thread in the archives and write down NGFM's diet he posted. Most likely it will be too late and no diet will help you.
so much ignorance about cancer in this thread

food doesnt cure you of cancer ffs

the only thing i know of as far as cancer implications w/diet is the new research on N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc)
federere is the first one to fall for snake oils, he has much more to lose than the rest of us when he grows older.

His looks, now a good snake oilsman can abuse this very easily. As federere is already "looking for healthier" alternatives, like SLS free toothpaste and organic shampoos and what not.

Then again his hair is perfect, so we all probably should switch our shampoos to match :(
Cancer is my real astrological sign adjusted for the proper positions of the constellations or whatever

that has a significant meaning