No more booze...

I haven't had any alcohol (except as part of my job) since the 1st of January. I'm not drinking until I buy (and occupy) a condo; then I'm opening a $140 Cab I've been holding onto.
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If you really had DTs, you'd have to be in the hospital right now. They'd need you on benzos or something to control the shakes while you detox. What did your discharge papers say?
In college I woke up to my roommates detailing a story about how I got up in the middle of the night, walked out into our hall, and pissed on the water fountain. We laughed. Then weeks later my chineese roommate :lol:'d at me when I stood up in the middle of the night and just pissed on our floor.

Green light? No, I just didn't black out as much. Problem solved.

Sort of.
if you really are getting the DT's, you need to be seen by a doctor.

at lest get on some Valium for the next 5 days. the chances of having a heart attack while going through DT's a huge.

they kept me under 24 hours watch for 7 days when i went through mine. good luck man.
so, i am curious if this was just an intense binge or if this has been an on going thing?
Some people just can't do that though....

I hear ya. I drink on the weekends, get completely drunk on beer. Don't hit the hard stuff any more. Liver is ok, I've had tests done. Don't have any shakes, guess I'm lucky.
I can stop for a month if I want. December to mid January was clean until I went on the ski trip.

So I guess we're talking more than the weekend beer stuff.
I believe the definition of an alcoholic is:

A person who drinks until blacking out, not just occassionally, but every time they have a drink of alcohol.
I could be wrong but you can suffer from alcoholism without drinking everyday, I think there's tiers or some shit.
I believe the definition of an alcoholic is:

A person who drinks until blacking out, not just occassionally, but every time they have a drink of alcohol.
that could be a side effect of it but in reality, an alcoholic is someone who must drink in order for their body and mind to function properly just to get through the day.
Delirium tremens (colloquially, the DTs, "the shakes", "the horrors", ""the heebie geebies"","the fear", "the abdabs", "the jimjams", "jazz hands", or "the rats"; afflicted individuals referred to as "jitterbugs" in 1930s Harlem slang; literally, "shaking delirium" or "'trembling madness" in Latin) is an acute episode of delirium that is usually caused by withdrawal from alcohol, first described in 1813.[1][2] Benzodiazepines are the treatment of choice for delirium tremens.[3]
Delirium Tremens is delicious
If you got legitimate DTs at 23 then you have a real fucking problem. Enjoy a lifetime of AA meetings, I guess. You aren't even be old enough to should have been able to expose yourself to alcohol that regularly and heavily.

I seriously doubt he had DTs. Just the shakes from withdrawal. DTs are some serious shit and come from decades of heavy drinking. If you're having full-blown seizures and seeing bugs crawling on the walls, then you might be having real DT's.

(And that first definition of DT's, with the "Jazz Hands", is not the real definition of DTs)