No Man's Sky will be the next Spore

I intend to play it in like 20 minute chunks while my kids nap so I think it will be a while before I really get sick of it.
All I see is pretty art and the zooming in and out of planets. I have not seen a single video clip that looked "fun."
5-10 hours is generous.

I give it 5-10 minutes. It's a beautiful game that suffers from the same depth problems as Elite Dangerous without any of the multiplayer features that saved ED from being a huge flop.
Expectations are pretty low on this one, cool tech perhaps with being able to seamlessly go from being in space to planet surfaces but these procedural generated worlds might end up being fatigue inducing when everything is the same.


I'm still waiting for someone to recreate a modern graphical version of Starflight, they crammed a lot of game onto a 540k floppy disk.