"Nixon Aides Condemn Deep Throat for Betrayal" -- Give me a fucking break --

Reno said:
I really want to know this, independent of whether he did the right thing or not.

which is the entire point.
fyi he didn't name himself after linda lovelace. He was CALLED this by Morley Safer. The moniker stuck.
TonyElTigre said:
i said neither of them respected the office, his accountability should have been from a grand jury not the sensationalised media. Witch hunts are dangerous to all parties involved

It never reached a grand jury because he resigned.
Felt is 91 and his kids pushed him to come forward.
Woodward and Bernstein said they will not reveal deep thoat's identity until he has died.
Still conjecture.

But we already knew liddy was an asshole.
TonyElTigre said:
i said neither of them respected the office, his accountability should have been from a grand jury not the sensationalised media. Witch hunts are dangerous to all parties involved

Just curious, did you feel the same way about Whitewater? That was a witch hunt and it had nothing to do with the media.
Fool said:
I don't get the whole fascination with deepthroat. It was 30 years ago. Who fucking cares about it?

I do...and prolly a lot of others...it was big news and still is. Of course people care.

It IS about the highest office...and nixon is the one who did not respect the office and its power and abused it...that is when all respect for the man in the office leaves, when you find out there is a complete crook in the office.

I think the guy should have come forward to the grand jury and not the press but in the end...if nexon and his criminal buddies hadnt been doing illegal things...then there would not have been a problem...all the blame for their problems lie on that administration that was curropt to the core...thus the man in that office did not deserve the office or the respect that is supposed to go along with it.
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DruMAX said:
I do...and prolly a lot of others...it was big news and still is. Of course people care.

I meant the current story, not the Nixon story. I honestly don't care who DT is. What possible difference does it make now, 30 years later? None. He did what he did, end of story. Either you liked him for it or you hated him for it.
Uncle Slappy said:
Just curious, did you feel the same way about Whitewater? That was a witch hunt and it had nothing to do with the media.

yes i do, witch hunts on any level are destructive

i'm not trying to be too partisan here, but the minority parties political pratice for the past ohh 10 years has been witch hunts and its pushed them entirely outta power
Fool said:
I meant the current story, not the Nixon story. I honestly don't care who DT is. What possible difference does it make now, 30 years later? None. He did what he did, end of story. Either you liked him for it or you hated him for it.

Its closure for people who have heard DT and followed the story from then till now, there has been 30 years of speculation and people have always wanted to know who it was...I know I did after reading woodwards book. I think its cool that we know who is responsible (partly) for taking down a corrupt administration....the WHOLE story is interesting to me...30 years ago and today.

My father still contend that Nixon was our greatest president, he voted for him and loved him and refused to think ill of him after he was booted.
TonyElTigre said:
yes i do, witch hunts on any level are destructive

i'm not trying to be too partisan here, but the minority parties political pratice for the past ohh 10 years has been witch hunts and its pushed them entirely outta power

man, nixon had men break into the dems office and put bugs in phones and stole documents...its not a witch hunt if the person is completely guilty...its a witch hunt when...like the witches they hunted long ago...there was no crime...there were no witches but people paid with their lives...there was a witch here...it was justified...he was a criminal and abused his power....dont blame the people looking to make him pay for real crimes...blame the men and the main man who committed the crimes...thats like blaming a whistle blower or blaming the cop or investigator for uncovering a crime...blame the person who caused the problem...Nixon and his cronies....

Nixon was rotten from the beginning when he was best buddies to McCarthy
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Reno said:
What kind of queer names himself after a porn about cock sucking?

Yeah really, what a weird name to choose

i never imagined to hear my old grandfather say "deep throat" before I heard him mention this whole Felt thing today
you're a fucking idiot if you think him going to the "authorities" (whatever the fuck that means) would do anything other than bring about his "accidental" death from 2 self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the head :lol:
What I think is funny is that the following is the scenario that could have played out, had Felt pursued "legal" channels:

1) Felt contacts the Department of Justice to report wrongdoings by the administration.

2) Attorney General John Mitchell, who approved the break-in at Watergate, reflexively shuts down all investigations/inquiries within DoJ related to Felt's report.

3) Some information leaks out to the public, but it is spun so vociferously that it amounts to little more than conspiracy theory in the public eye.

4) The same people who today think Felt should have gone through "legal" channels would either:

--- a) Attribute the "conspiracy theories" of Rebpublican wrongdoing to left-wing rhetoric and wishful thinking, effectively coming to the defense of a crooked president.

--- b) Complain constantly that information was suppressed that could have left no shadows of lingering doubt as to Nixon's "pristine" reputation (even though it would have been his own administration that suppressed all information)

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there's no need to post that bounty

everyone but the republican lemmings in this thread already figured that out
TonyElTigre said:
media. Witch hunts are dangerous to all parties involved

Do you have any idea what really happened? After the stories appeared in the Post several people WERE arrested and convicted. After that the Senate started an investigation.

Sometimes, a witch hunt is exactly what you need, if you are up to your eyeballs in witches.
TonyElTigre said:

Nixon is bad, so is deepthroat

How is deepthroat bad? I fail to see this. If he would have gone towards a grand jury, he would have lost his job, which would have made it look more like he was a disgruntled employee.
Nixon DID, after all, fire Richard Helms for refusing to concoct lies about national security in order to stop the FBI's investigation of Watergate. What makes you think that the same would not have happened to deepthroat? It would have led to nothing more than a major cover up.