Niggerbombs are worse than nuclear bombs

uncounted amounts
sink them with our subs and planes
institute a draft to defend the land
in an invasion, all the crazies with guns would take up arms and shoot jerks

but they wouldnt make it to the soil
too many missles to rain hell on transports and airplanes

institute a draft to defend the land

You can only do these, if you see the attack coming. Radar stations are manned only if someone is paid to run them. you need money for that.

All of this stuff costs money - but whats more, is the military has complained numerous times about a lack of munitions. And most of their planes are reaching service life. That's why UCAV's are being used, but most of them are unarmed.

If you pay attention to the news also, you will see Obama and Putin discussing ways to reduce the nuclear arsenal to zilch. And even the existing nukes need money to maintain, because they also have a service lifetime.

I can see right now how this will go down. The U.S. will default on its own currency. This will enrage the rest of the world, but is inevitable. The American attitude, which we have seen to be very malleable and controllable, will be the one you have.

China will be the primary creditor, and in a position to capitulate on itself, or start a war against the U.S. with its vast industry expanse. With it other countries will join. The battle is in revelation already. Never trust in flesh.
This beauty can't be lost to the bottom.

yeah well two things: when they do come, all our troops will be tied up overseas and we will be taken by surprise. There is a reason, you know, this anti war super liberal is keeping as much of the army as he can out of the country.

Second, when you take your eye off the world and do what they did in the early part of the 20th century, thats exactly what will bring ww3, just like ww2. And it will happen again like that. Americans seem to believe they are impervious, for no good reason.

Its ok since we are notoriously well armed and we have a real god on our side.


manna manna :rofl:

togo, i like you
i enjoy your troll

china needs to retrofit it's navy
it sucks right now
china has a ton of other problems
it goes to war with its biggest importer, and pow, china has no monies.
ditto with russia
when america is too broke to launch missles and check radar screens (which aint too's all centralized and whaever) then it doesnt matter

the nuke treaty does not zilch the supplies
i think it aims to get to 2k each
still enough to destroy the world a few times, just in case :)

even poor russia in the late 80s could still man their radar stations
manna manna :rofl:

togo, i like you
i enjoy your troll

china needs to retrofit it's navy
it sucks right now
china has a ton of other problems
it goes to war with its biggest importer, and pow, china has no monies.
ditto with russia
when america is too broke to launch missles and check radar screens (which aint too's all centralized and whaever) then it doesnt matter

the nuke treaty does not zilch the supplies
i think it aims to get to 2k each
still enough to destroy the world a few times, just in case :)

even poor russia in the late 80s could still man their radar stations

They had awesome radar stations.

its worth pointing out that until maybe ten years ago, detroit was still home to the big 3 and did very well for itself.

this climate of depravity has hit the whole of the USA at once and brought out all kinds of nasty colours. Should also mention that the union pretty much made the difference between detroit going down or staying up.

I was trying to figure out which thread togo was hanging out in tonight. How often do you go to Detroit? The parts of Detroit that were nice 10 years ago aka the suburbs are still nice now. The parts that are shitty now were shitty 10 years ago.
I was trying to figure out which thread togo was hanging out in tonight. How often do you go to Detroit? The parts of Detroit that were nice 10 years ago aka the suburbs are still nice now. The parts that are shitty now were shitty 10 years ago.

Yeah I was going to say something to that fact that I went through Detroit 20 years ago and was appalled at how much was actually bombed out. Its like miles and miles next to the interstate and I live near Gary which I thought, until that point, was the most bombed out shithole ever. Togo just wants to bring his countrydumbass here and troll us some info.

Detroit suffered from racist real estate agents who convinced home owners that a black person on hte black meant their property values were going to decrease. Do this to a couple neighborhoods and you got the blight we have today.

So, disgusting racists like yourself perpetuated the decay of a great american city. If I see you, I'll curb stomp you, like that bigot did in that one movie.

Detroit suffered from racist real estate agents who convinced home owners that a black person on hte black meant their property values were going to decrease. Do this to a couple neighborhoods and you got the blight we have today.

So, disgusting racists like yourself perpetuated the decay of a great american city. If I see you, I'll curb stomp you, like that bigot did in that one movie.

wait. so the real estate agents ran all the blacks out of white neighborhoods. the blacks in turn made the neighborhoods they live in shitty as hell, thus proving the real estate agents right.
because without whites, blacks didnt know what to do, so they killed each other and wateredtheir lawns with blood, which killed the grass
and it went down from there
because without whites, blacks didnt know what to do, so they killed each other and wateredtheir lawns with blood, which killed the grass
and it went down from there

what actually happened was the blood got into their gas cans and their lawnmowers wouldnt start so all their lawns grew out of control and the crickets got huge and accidentally kicked rocks in all the windows and broke them so they had to board up all the windows because Ceiling Cat can watch you masturbate through clear glass windows.