NGFM was wrong

Universal. He has a benign purity. A je ne sais quoi. He has an understated panache that represents something in all of us, Mitchell. To deny that is to deny your own manhood. Which means you have to find it first. Would you like a microscope?
Being right or wrong is usually an opinion. No matter what someone does, it can be viewed as wrong. It's impossible to fact check everything before saying it, in a context that is perfect.

When it comes to buying something, there can always be something wrong with it. Stuff eventually breaks, especially things with moving parts. When buying on Amazon, I usually look at the reviews to see which product has the highest percentage. Nothing is 100% after a bunch of reviews come out. There is always something wrong with a product.

I think this thread came as a parody of the car thread. That's a good example. A huge discussion about one word I said, "Naturally Aspirated."

Naturally aspirated engine - Wikipedia
A naturally aspirated engine, also known as a normally aspirated engine, is an internal combustion engine in which air intake depends solely on atmospheric pressure and does not have forced induction through a turbocharger or a supercharger.[1] Many sports cars specifically use naturally aspirated engines to avoid turbo lag.
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Being right or wrong is usually an opinion. No matter what someone does, it can be viewed as wrong. It's impossible to fact check everything before saying it, in a context that is perfect.


I just typed the word "Potato".

How can I be wrong?
NGFM is a national treasure. I still think that he and Vanster should become roommates

The first part of that statement is true. I'll confess to envy when he talked about roller-skating in the park with another TW member.

As far as joy goes, when I was about 4, I was given a red ball; it's one of my first memories. When I was 14, I did my first kick-flip with a skateboard. At 20 I beat Bowser in super Mario 3. At 27 I made the XC World Cup team and got to race against the Soviets and Finns. At 30 I defended my Masters, but not much joy.

At this point, roller-skating in the park with NGFM sounds like pure joy.

As far as roomies, nah. His fate is to die with Laurie, mine is to die alone.
If I understand right, NGFM has been alone for a while.
Laurie is taking care of his dad while he works...