[NFL] Ricky Williams Tests Positive for Marijuana

Remember, he's been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder -- that's a real disease and a good percentage of those folks self-medicate with substances like marijuana, often at the moment they are about to have a high level of social interaction."
The NFL tries to make their players maintain images as good role models, as such, illegal substances and all of that are against league rules as long as you are in their employ.

Maybe they should do something about the players waving guns around at strip clubs.

The thing most people forget, is that Ricky came back for a season and SUCKED.

Why? Because he didn't want to take the hit anymore. In his first two seasons with the Phins, Ricky would run to the hole at full speed and take the hit. He tried really hard since he left the Saints.

When he came back after the year off, he would DANCE looking for an opening. He even said he didn't need to take the hit anymore. His yardage went down. Ricky is not the same back people remember in those first two years with the Phins.
The thing most people forget, is that Ricky came back for a season and SUCKED.

Why? Because he didn't want to take the hit anymore. In his first two seasons with the Phins, Ricky would run to the hole at full speed and take the hit. He tried really hard since he left the Saints.

When he came back after the year off, he would DANCE looking for an opening. He even said he didn't need to take the hit anymore. His yardage went down. Ricky is not the same back people remember in those first two years with the Phins.

The thing most people forget, is that Ricky came back for a season and SUCKED.

Why? Because he didn't want to take the hit anymore. In his first two seasons with the Phins, Ricky would run to the hole at full speed and take the hit. He tried really hard since he left the Saints.

When he came back after the year off, he would DANCE looking for an opening. He even said he didn't need to take the hit anymore. His yardage went down. Ricky is not the same back people remember in those first two years with the Phins.

Let's examine how stupid that statement is. He posted his second highest rushing average ever, 4.4 ypc. Second only to the season where he was the league's leader. In 12 games he had 743 yards, splitting carries down the middle with Ronnie Brown. This is with about 3/5 the carries he had when he posted the higher average and led the league in rushing. Please, please, please, don't be ignorant and blurt.
there are black people in Texas?

Hell no, we recruited him out of California (go figure pot head state), one good thing I can say about the gut is we had an economics class together and he actually showed up and participated.
Let's examine how stupid that statement is. He posted his second highest rushing average ever, 4.4 ypc. Second only to the season where he was the league's leader. In 12 games he had 743 yards, splitting carries down the middle with Ronnie Brown. This is with about 3/5 the carries he had when he posted the higher average and led the league in rushing. Please, please, please, don't be ignorant and blurt.

asking ngfm not to be ignorant is like asking a fish not to swim