Next stage of life

No, which explains why I'm so well adjusted.
Aren't you in your thirties and hiking around Europe begging Lambo owners if you can touch their car?

I was beside a blue Lambo yesterday at a red light. Furiously I jammed a piece of breath gum and started chewing, got the sugar out and plfut I spit it out at the Lambo's roof. It hit and instead of sliding off it just stuck there. For $450k you don't get frictionless paint wtf

that pic is revolting

everyone knows applejack is best pony


when i saw the new trailer for my little pony movie

i knew there would be more excited 30 yo single neck beards than children going to see that

and that is when i cried a little inside
Luckily all that shit Rayn said hit me early and scared the shit out of me. I struggled for years and the thought of adding 2 mouths to that, wife and kid, was more than I could bear.

Not ripping on anyone, just very very glad I didn't do it. and I don't know what I am missing so meh :shrug:

God bless ya. :flag:
Last night we had talked about baby names and decided Kenta Ichiro for a boy and Rachael Noriko for a girl. I liked Kenta for a boy because its a Japanese name but works well as Ken in the USA and my uncle is also Kenneth. She just liked Rachel for a girl so that's what she wanted. Ichiro and Noriko are her parents.

She started to bleed last night and went to the hospital today. She has to return for surgery because not all the parts came out.

I return to Japan for a week in December. She's all alone right now and crying. I feel like I just ruin everything. Feels bad.
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Last night we had talked about baby names and decided Kenta Ichiro for a boy and Rachael Noriko for a girl. I liked Kenta for a boy because its a Japanese name but works well as Ken in the USA and my uncle is also Kenneth. She just liked Rachel for a girl so that's what she wanted. Ichiro and Noriko are her parents.

She started to bleed last night and went to the hospital today. She has to return for surgery because not all the parts came out.

I return to Japan for a week in December. She's all alone right now and crying. I feel like I just ruin everything. Feels bad.

dodged a bullet, friend.
Maybe want to give it a week until you try that balloon knot move.

Also - sorry dude. That's a terrible thing to go through. The only thing that heals that is another baby. Back to it champ.
lol the slope probably aborted herself manually with a coat hangar because the idea of having Sobieski's retarded, terrorist looking child and living in squalor was not very attractive to her
lol the slope probably aborted herself manually with a coat hangar because the idea of having Sobieski's retarded, terrorist looking child and living in squalor was not very attractive to her

dang that's cold and racist bro
well yeah

that kind of post and slur for maximum abuse and shock value is very firmly in the spirit of tw, I feel :roller: I'm just partying like it's 2009

i'll happily leave the white supremacy garbage to you and the rest of the moron brigade
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let's face it this whole thread is a lie anyway

up until a month a guy this guy was unemployed and looking for work, building shitty things in his backyard

now suddenly he's a world-traveler