News: KP Talks Beta Changes

let me tell you a story, about the a little ole T1 mod called renegades...

...the end.

Moral of the story: From watching the videos the grappling hook seems to have many parallels to what Beacons were in renegades....they were speed for navigating around the maps at higher speeds than normal and yes, you only had 3 of them. It was practically required of you to pass off the flag to a teammate (whichever showboating way you saw fit) after you grabbed the flag because all the chasers would have a fresh 3 beacons...which did nothing but encourage further teamwork.

Another big idea was that beacons, like ammo, could be picked up from dead bodies. Raucous debate ensued in our little community when an update to renegades made it so beacons could no longer be picked up on dead bodies, which led to obvious gameplay changes.

So basically i think the devs should focus on whether or not to make the ammo pick-up-able. If it is, with proper teamwork its basically as if the grapple is limitless and if no, well, you get the idea. Thats all...just thought id throw in my history lesson.
One thing I like about the addition of ammo to the grappling hook is that people won't just swing around their base on it during a turtle or just do circles with it on Cavern. Nice addition. I don't like however the nerfing of bullet projectiles versus vehicles. Between that and the nerfing of the assault ship, it benefits the assault ship much more. Best way to take one out was a speed pack with a chaingun, and even then, it only got it to half health.
Yak of Doom said:
*puts on devils advocate hat*

It's a overpowered gimmick weapon that will give people a reason (and rightly so) to dismiss T:V as a serious competition game. It will be exploited and perfected by us to totally ruin the built in balance of this game. Look at those new vids that are out, guys are already using it like a whip to get across flat areas by using little hills to shoot off of.

It should not work for flag carriers, it should not work on dirt (duh) and it should stop working if you break it a few times.

*takes off hat*

Someone needed to say it.

this guy is smart

i definantly agree with not being able to use it on dirt

that would limit directional changes
but i feel that flag carriers should be able to use it

good ideas though
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The grappler ammo I'll have to try although my initial thoughts are NAY. I've played cavern and I've chased down a capper on that map, and there wasn't a single incidence that I had a problem killing one. So altering the grappling hook to adjust for that one flaw in someone's game seems utterly retarded imho. Just use your grenades adn shoot the walls with disc's and burners. Use your hand grenades and chaingun. It doesn't take more than 30 seconds to kill someone swinging around in an enclosed area.

The tank. Did you guys read my review? It's TOO over powered. Why are you giving it a faster rate of fire and slightly less damage that adds up to more damage over time? I guess I'll have to try it out, but this just sounds really bad.

Reducing damage of the chaingun, sniper rifle to the vehicles seems like a ludicrous idea. They're already overpowered, and the only way we can take htem down is with sniper rifles and chainguns. If you want us to use the rocket pod to take down vehicles, you're essentially making the same requirement T2 made with missles and flairs. Again, BAD IDEA.

I'll try them out, but over all not exactly stoked on the changes I've listed above.
I got an idea.

How about have a counter that displays the total number (however long it is), in feet, of grapple line?

When use you use the grapple, the counter will go down by how many feet of grapple line you are using. Then, when you disconnect it, it will go back to the grapple, so many feet you had before. Now, when you use the grapple and breaks that line, it is gone and you lose that much. Finally when you use up the line, you go to the inventory to refill.

Using the term "ammo" doesn't fix with the grapple.
yeah, the ground-grappling seemed somewhat, trees, people, least you have to have some sort of plan to use it (even when people improvise they have a plan for what they want to do) instead of just grappling the ground all willy-nilly. If it couldn't grapple the ground, then the 20-shot limit wouldn't seem so drastic in general, and it would still limit the amount of spidermaning on maps like cavern. :shrug:
grappler ammo is a great idea... i'd even lower it less than 20, and make it pickupable off bodies. Otherwise we have to change this to grapplewar...
LostAngel said:
The grappler ammo I'll have to try although my initial thoughts are NAY. I've played cavern and I've chased down a capper on that map, and there wasn't a single incidence that I had a problem killing one. So altering the grappling hook to adjust for that one flaw in someone's game seems utterly retarded imho. Just use your grenades adn shoot the walls with disc's and burners. Use your hand grenades and chaingun. It doesn't take more than 30 seconds to kill someone swinging around in an enclosed area.

The tank. Did you guys read my review? It's TOO over powered. Why are you giving it a faster rate of fire and slightly less damage that adds up to more damage over time? I guess I'll have to try it out, but this just sounds really bad.

Reducing damage of the chaingun, sniper rifle to the vehicles seems like a ludicrous idea. They're already overpowered, and the only way we can take htem down is with sniper rifles and chainguns. If you want us to use the rocket pod to take down vehicles, you're essentially making the same requirement T2 made with missles and flairs. Again, BAD IDEA.

I'll try them out, but over all not exactly stoked on the changes I've listed above.

I'm pretty sure they're nerfing the tank across the board, not making it better. It's the way it's written that's confusing. I think the 0.32/s means 0.32 rounds per second (approximately 1 shot every 3 seconds) as opposed to 0.32 seconds per round. I'm not 100% positive on that, but it didn't look like the gun was firing twice a second before. They also reduced the speed of the shell, so it'll be more difficult to aim.
Ceiling_Fan said:
Read the list. It says right at the top of the player physics section that ground control is being worked on.

Yes, I can read. I'm pretty sure they were saying that there was way more air time than ground time not because they didn't like skiing, but because they didn't need to ski. This requires changes to how effective air movement is, in which case the changes are moving in the wrong direction.
exogen said:
Yes, I can read. I'm pretty sure they were saying that there was way more air time than ground time not because they didn't like skiing, but because they didn't need to ski. This requires changes to how effective air movement is, in which case the changes are moving in the wrong direction.

Most of the complaints I've seen are how people don't like skiing. Thus the ground-interaction changes they're working on.
Ceiling_Fan said:
Most of the complaints I've seen are how people don't like skiing. Thus the ground-interaction changes they're working on.

We're talking about two different things. Skiing does need to be adjusted. But many were saying that they rarely even needed to touch the ground to get from base to base. This isn't the fault of skiing, but of over-effective air movement.
Vivrant said:
my only problem is the reduced damage on the buckler
dont go crazy with the nerf bat on a high skill weapon
viv does not approve :(

everything else looks like a valid change
I feel your pain Viv, but it's safe to assume that people will only get better with the weapons, and if the Buckler seems a bit over-powered now, then we should assume that players will only get better with it. It's still going to be a good dueling weapon. Remember you can hit somebody on the way out and the way back, so a skillful shot will do 68 damage, which may be the most of any weapon the medium can use (not sure about that).
exogen said:
We're talking about two different things. Skiing does need to be adjusted. But many were saying that they rarely even needed to touch the ground to get from base to base. This isn't the fault of skiing, but of over-effective air movement.

Yep. It needs to be a balance of land and air movement.

It is more likely that the grappling hook will be used more than the jet pack.
exogen said:
We're talking about two different things. Skiing does need to be adjusted. But many were saying that they rarely even needed to touch the ground to get from base to base. This isn't the fault of skiing, but of over-effective air movement.
I disagree. For a while the route of choice on Rollercoster was jump off, ski one dip, land on your flag. That stopped when snipers cranked up the ownage. I haven't seen much serious sniping yet in T:V, but on servers where I have seen it, you don't want to get too much air. And we all know that pubs tend to fill with lots of snipers.