News: KP Talks Beta Changes

My only issue with adding ammo to the grappler is that half the time when I disconnect it fires again, wasting a shot. Give us a disconnect key please.
Chaoz said:
No increase speed of the disc on the spinfusor? Have you guys experimented with different speeds?

Any update on when fileplanet might get the beta (the 9th perhaps?) :D

It's already ridiculously easy to MA.
NAT Mav said:
My only issue with adding ammo to the grappler is that half the time when I disconnect it fires again, wasting a shot. Give us a disconnect key please.

a disconnect key is the LAST thing the grappler needs.
Yogi said:
Everyone who is saying no to grappler ammo, are you in the beta?

If so, have you ever tried to chase down a decent grappler on Cavern? Were you successful in doing so quickly, or did it take a long time?

For most people the answers are: Yes, Yes, long time.

buahahaha!!! :D
Phaseshift said:
Just wondering, but how easy is it to shoot the hook when it is attached to something (this breaks the line right)?


This is a suggestion Ive been saying all Along and the Only Balancing the Grappler Needed. allow someone to break a grapple by Explosion damage near the point of the Grapple. Without Nerfing the tool/weapon at all you will allow a skilled chaser to time it so that Grapple Stalemate Swingers can be knocked offcourse by simply timing your disc to hit right after his grapple - In turn he will end up Crashing into the ground or pillar or whatever he intended to swing around -

This actually adds more skill to the whole concept rather than simply nerfing a fun to use tool. The Grappler is already Limited by taking up a weapon Slot. Anyone who had to decide if they could live without a cg or GL or their normal fav 3rd weapon choice is already taking a big Hit.

I Currently use the grappler 100% of the time on all maps if i suit up as i Play Primarily Cap/LO and use it for Last ditech return efforts, midfield Pickups and Capping. If a limit were put on it i would probably stop using it altogether except on maps where it is forced like cavern.

Please dont mess with 1 of the few nice additions to the game. Its not possible that it could be overpowered. it just allows freedom of movement. It would be like saying the Jetpack is overpowered because flying makes you harder to hit. that Defeats the whole purpose of what sets this game series apart from the rest.

As Experienced Defenders start actually playing Positions rather than just running around trying new things out people will see how easy it is to cg down Grapple Monkeys or "Hanging Defenders".
With regards to the grappler ammo issue:

My gut reaction was "Ew, what a horrible idea!"

But in reading the thread and thinking about it, I guess it isn't nearly as bad. Those who've mentioned the improbability of using 20 hooks before dying or returning to an Inv are right, it probably isn't going to happen.

That being said, I'd rather see penalties on how its used, rather than making it ammo based. Give it a long refire delay when the cable snaps, and make the hook destroyable (shoot it with a disc, it disconnects). This will give chasers a better chance at catching a capper on indoor maps, and still let the grappler be a very useful tool.

[Energy Pack]
I read comments by the devs regarding the recharge rate of the Energy Pack for light armor. Is this fix going to be included in the patch, or will we have to wait until next?

- reduced bullet damage versus vehicles (chaingun, sniper, blaster) (100%->40%)
- reduced assault ship health (700->600)
- reduced fighter health (150->140)
- reduced tank health (1000->900)

I like the reductions in vehicle health, but don't you think thats a large nerfing of damage, at least for the chaingun and blaster? As it stands, I think the average chaingun user has a hard enough time destroying the two flying vehicles. By greatly reducing the chainguns ability to do damage, as well as decreasing the chaingun's accuracy, I think it will make the AA guns and the Rocket Pod necessities instead of choices.

[Player Physics]
I have no great complaint with the air physics as they are, but I think the listed updates will make the game more soupy. A decrease in gravity is the wrong way to go, in my opinion, to making it feel realistic. I do like the idea of decreased ground force falloffs. As it stands right now, skiing feels like it kills your speed to a large degree.

I await the patch. Obviously until I've played it I won't know how well I like it, but listed above are my initial reactions. Thanks for posting this, KP :)
Mindflayr said:
Please dont mess with 1 of the few nice additions to the game. Its not possible that it could be overpowered. it just allows freedom of movement. It would be like saying the Jetpack is overpowered because flying makes you harder to hit. that Defeats the whole purpose of what sets this game series apart from the rest.

I posted this in the other thread, but since this is where the "real" discussion is at;

I think you're incorrect in saying that the Grappler cannot be overpowered. The jet pack is an item that each person has whether or not the player wants it.

The Grappler is a weapon, and as such takes a weapon slot. It is therefore necessary to balance the Grappler relative to the other weapons.

Additionally, if it is not possible to overpower the Grappler, then technically you could have the Grappler wire length be 10000 m, and be able to pull yourself in at incredible speeds. You don't think that would be unbalanced?
Phantom88 said:
I think you have responded to our oppinions a little bluntly since you asked for them...
Who? Me? I didn't ask for feeback and KineticPoet has not posted in this thread.
|Blitzkrieg| said:
With regards to the grappler ammo issue:

My gut reaction was "Ew, what a horrible idea!"

But in reading the thread and thinking about it, I guess it isn't nearly as bad. Those who've mentioned the improbability of using 20 hooks before dying or returning to an Inv are right, it probably isn't going to happen.

That being said, I'd rather see penalties on how its used, rather than making it ammo based. Give it a long refire delay when the cable snaps, and make the hook destroyable (shoot it with a disc, it disconnects). This will give chasers a better chance at catching a capper on indoor maps, and still let the grappler be a very useful tool.
I like this idea for grapple changes. :bigthumb: Having ammo for it doesn't really make sense, and still won't really change much IMO. I rarely use more than 20 hooks before I die or get back to base... Being able to shoot the hook would be a big help for chasing cappers though.
At0m|c said:
I like this idea for grapple changes. :bigthumb: Having ammo for it doesn't really make sense, and still won't really change much IMO. I rarely use more than 20 hooks before I die or get back to base... Being able to shoot the hook would be a big help for chasing cappers though.
As has been said many times by many people. It is not to stop cappers. It is to stop stalemates
Mindflayr said:
I Currently use the grappler 100% of the time on all maps if i suit up as i Play Primarily Cap/LO and use it for Last ditech return efforts, midfield Pickups and Capping.

And how many times do you fire it more than 20 times before you respawn?

If a limit were put on it i would probably stop using it altogether except on maps where it is forced like cavern.

So? Stop being dramatic.

Its not possible that it could be overpowered.

It's not /possible/? That's a rather bold statement. I think it's quite possible for it to be overpowered.

it just allows freedom of movement. It would be like saying the Jetpack is overpowered because flying makes you harder to hit.

The Jetpack runs out of energy if you keep using it. Just because you now only have 20 shots doens't mean that the grappler suddenly doesn't let you move freely. You just can't do it /constantly/, just like the jetpack.