New New GIF (animated) Thread

Full disclosure... I have never sniffed a cross mounted pussy. I am not sure what it is... Anyone have a review?
Pretty sure it's Asian pussy because it's sideways. Fun fact: they are actually oriented the same way as regular pussy.
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Imagine going to pull yourself back up and realizing you don't have the strength left to do it. Your friends wouldn't be able to help you back up because of the weird position you're in. All you can do is struggle to try to lift yourself back up until your grip finally gives out...

Does this post work for anyone else?

And god damnit, why is Firefox constantly scrolling around randomly even after everything is loaded?


i think one of my favorite things about the internet is that gif's are still a disaster

we think we're soooo smart and i still cant watch a cat on a record player without something fucking up