New New GIF (animated) Thread

95% of her ass is genetic and probably fat injections.

But yes, I saw her other muscles. She's very fit. Too upper-body muscle if you ask me.

She still didn't get that ass from working out though. 90% is genetic.

Yeah, exercise only works on the upper body.

And genetics only effect the buttocks.

You dumb shits getting learned...
The white car is a cunt for sure, and horribly stupid, but the truck was pretty far in the shoulder trying to cut him off. Who know what else happened before that? Again, not defending the car driver. In my experiences the great majority of truck drivers I’m around don’t act like cunts but I’ve seen a few.

There is also a car pulled over just ahead. Truck driver was AOK imo. The person in the SUV should be dead. The world would be a better place.