New New GIF (animated) Thread

antifa bitches get wedgies just like high school

here she is

looks like she already took a punch to the bridge of her nose before the one in the gif

Before college she looked like a respectable woman who might of had the chance to marry a quality man and raise a happy family.

After college...she's just going to end up alone and miserable. Her ovaries are going to be completely barren and she'll find herself going home to her studio apartment in her 40s, drinking pino, and instagramming her many cats.
jesus her pussy is beat the fuck up roast beefy forest

That's why she became this way. Too many dudes told her she had an ugly pussy and only let her suck their dick. So she said fuck it and let her hair grow and get nasty. Now she is a nasty crusty slut and there's lots of liberal cucks that find that attractive. So it doesn't matter that she is deformed.
people not in the military dress up in uniform all the time. I'm not in love with the guy I just explained it wasn't a purse.
Yeah which service wears blue jeans? I know the Navy had denim dungaress, gut those were retired a long time ago.

Totally looks like he's dressed in uniform. :rolleyes: