[NEW COMPUTER] Help Please

Hey Everyone,

A few years ago I posted a thread about building a new computer, got some great feedback and I am still running that computer today. I recently decided to build another gaming computer, and I need your help once again! Figured I'd take advantage of the Black Friday deals and get a better computer for cheaper.

I'm currently running: Intel i7 920 @ 2.67GHz, 4GB of RAM, and an ATI Radeon HD 4870.

I'm not looking to upgrade as I am giving my computer to my brother, I am looking to build something out of scratch. I don't know much about what's good or not, and what fits with what, which is why I'm here. I have built 2 computers in the past, both of which are still running today.

I live in Canada, so everything I buy has to be from newegg, tigetdirect, canada computers, etc. My budget is about $1,500 taxes in.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
(im so out of the loop)

An i7 at 2.6ghz is outdated?
Can i have your old computer?
you'd be better off just getting an nvida GTX 670 and 8gb of ram for ~375. or maybe get an ssd.

overclock your 920 if you need it but you don't need a new processor - there aren't any games that demanding out.
(im so out of the loop)

An i7 at 2.6ghz is outdated?
Can i have your old computer?

It's not that outdated, but it is still 3 years old. Either ways though, if I am going to build a new computer, might as well get something better. I would honestly consider giving my computer if I didn't promise it to my brother.

Buy from Die Hard.

I spoke to him earlier last week. He was very helpful and nice, but there is a markup associated with his prices (which is completely understandable) as he builds the computers. I am looking to build the computer myself, and to hopefully get some good deals online. I think I can get more for less by not buying from him (today anyways with the Black Friday deals).

Edit: He also advised shipping the computer here would be about $120 - $150 which really increases my cost unfortunately.
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I stand corrected then, I remember asking him but maybe the shipping costs made me negate the purchase.
*Edit* I read the thread, and I stand by it... Worth every penny.

It's not that I'm thinking that this is a bad idea, and I'd like to support TW members. However, if I do end up buying the computer from him, I pay more for him to put the computer together for me (which I can do by myself), and then an additional $120-$150 for shipping. Unfortunately it makes more sense for me to build my own computer than to buy one from him right now.
With a budget of $1500 you can get a pretty top of the line PC. What are you going to use it for? I just bought a new CPU, GPU, Motherboard and some RAM on black friday deals from NCIX.com - Canada's Premier Computer Store - Online PC Discount Store, Buy Computer Accessories

I went with:
Intel i5-3570 Quad Core CPU
Nvidia 660 2GB GPU
Asus Z77 LGA1155 Motherboard
8GB Kingston DDR 1600-9-9-9-27 RAM 2x4GB
Mid Tower Case

All that cost me under $800. All you'd need to add would be a Powersupply and a HD. For $1500 you could probably go to an i7 CPU, up it to 16GB RAM, get a 670 or 680 Nvidia card, throw in a 550 or 600 watt powersupply, and a good deal on a 1TB SATA drive, as well as a 120GB SSD drive for your OS.
Corsair has a military green PC case called the C70. I'm going to get one for my build and it will be my war box.

It sucks that aluminum cases aren't popular anymore. I wanted a lian li but they all look like crap now.

What's the deal with MHz. I remember when I was building a PC years ago things were almost 4ghz noe I see this bullshit under 3ghz
if you have an i7 2.6 the only thing you need to upgrade is the video card. CPU performance is irrelevant these days and an extra 1ghz wont even increase your FPS by 1