Never relax around bl@@@@

Racism is wrong!

I completely agree and always have. I have voted for both major political parties, independent and even a write in or two. My world view does not embrace or understand racism because I have met good people of all colors and nationalities. I consider myself a behaviorist.

Very "in the moment" so I am attracted to Buddhist mentality. Which is funny because it basically means "woke" :lol: I have seen people that have behaved well all of a sudden behave very badly. Substances, emotions, personal health, perceived needs have all played a part. I have seen people who behave badly most of the time have a turn and perform acts of kindness. All of us are capable of good and evil. It is up to the individual to self regulate when able. When they are not able or do not care, it is the responsibility of others to regulate the bad behavior. Especially when it puts innocent people in danger.
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im around a lot of broken families that don't have dads or moms, all dead beats. It's really the children that suffer. But the kids never really grow up, just stay kids, and then they have kids and the cycle repeats. It really takes God, Church, Community, to fix the problem. God is 1) free 2) available 3) what do you have to lose?

Now, I do like to church-surf and try different houses of worship out. I like the Black Baptist a lot, cause they will stuff you full of fried chicken and holy spirit.

And in my times of travelling the country, Rural Blacks are OK because they have God. Now you take a Urban Black and give him poverty and No God and then you got a Gangster holding up a 7/11 for $52.

Also out there in these cities, you got the Libtards saying its racism that caused all this violence. No its not. It's because these Athiests took away the God that kept the Black people civil. Now they really don't have sh%t anymore except their Gangster Culture that leads them further into depravity.

If you go to like, a SNAP food center, its pretty crazy the level of dumbass we are talking about. People that go spend $20 at a gas station for a bag of chips, some Cools, and a half dozen black n milds - and thats your family's food security. People don't even know how to eat anymore.

I like the community projects that do something useful with blight houses, such as knock them down to make chicken runs / vegetable co-ops inside desperate communities. That way people at least have some sort of access to 'dirt grown' food and it's simple for them to participate.

My 2 pronged approach is 1) More God 2) More Dirt Food.

In spite of being a non believer I think this makes a lot of sense. Churches as such do a lot of good things. The priests, ministers etc that work in them unfortunately do a lot of bad things (looking at you, pedos), but also some good. I dislike religion because it's manipulative, predatory and controlling, but some cultural traditions that spring from religion can work like handrail for kids and they need them.
Religions try to be good when it comes to kids. Laurie worked for 4Kids of South Florida which was run by Calvary Chapel (Christian). They place foster kids in homes. That's great, yet the pastor of the church (Bob McCoy) went to Brazil on a trip and cheated on his wife. That was his downfall. Many churches also have schools, day care, and give back to the community.

Religion controls people, it's part of the Pyramid of Power. Not only that, if you want to follow a religion, and you're not born into it, they want you to be an outcast with less status. For example...

Islam - If you are made aware of their religion and don't follow it, they want you dead. Yet if you want to follow the religion but you're not Muslim, you have to give everything you have and be the equivalent of a slave. That's racism.

Judism - If you're not a Jew, same thing, you have less power or status, which is racism.

Christian - If you don't follow their religion and Jesus Christ, you're going to hell to burn forever.

I agree that people need something to believe in (higher power) so they'll be good citizens. When it comes to POC, it doesn't work for those in the streets. Their neighborhoods are shit and the church can't help because the kids are still shooting people with guns. This doesn't happen with other races in other neighborhoods to the same level. Every time I turn on the news, there's stories about crime, someone being shot, a car chase, a robbery, and most of time, it's POC. It seems like POC don't care about going to hell for stealing, or murdering. Therefore, that community needs a different way of raising their kids because the message from the Baptist churches isn't working.
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Islam - If you are made aware of their religion and don't follow it, they want you dead. Yet if you want to follow the religion but you're not Muslim, you have to give everything you have and be the equivalent of a slave. That's racism.

Lived in a Muslim country 24 years now. Worked with hundreds of Muslims as well as Hindus, Buddhists and people of many other religions. But mostly Muslims. Most of them well aware I'm not religious. I'm not an obnoxious vocal atheist, religion just doesn't interest me. Not once has anyone tried to "convert" me or force their religious beliefs on me. If any of them wants me dead they're keeping pretty quiet about it.

NGFM you are one of the most ignorant tragic wankers I've ever encountered either IRL or online. Your opinions on everything are utterly worthless, as are those retarded Youtube videos you post that you seem to think validate your fucked up opinions on life.

Apart from that, have a nice day.
You think in your low to the ground mind that getting hammered at vacation spots in different parts of the world makes you worldly and intelligent? Dafuk out of here retard. You could hit a bar in every country on the planet and still be a sawed off runt with littleman's complex

How many countries do people need to visit to not be an ignorant fuck Mitch?


That really depends if you visit them with an open mind and a willingness to learn. In the case of you and Jugga the Hutt, all 195 of them might just do it, but possibly not.