Never relax around bl@@@@

Jesus doesn't seem to be working for the blacks. Crime is still 60-13, meaning 60% of crime is committed by 13% of the population. They go to church to sing and praise the lord, which is fun, because it's a musical celebration. You have to wonder why they follow a religion based on Jerusalem when they could follow something from Africa. The USA really needs a new religion based on our country, but the church is hanging on to the bible and Jesus.
woke troopers would definitely defeat bomb wearing AK wielding muzzies

see 4 urself:

This is a black dude telling why black women can't keep a man, because they never grow out of the ho phase. Other races grow out of it. Pay attention at the 03:00 minute mark.

So there we go, men are telling women why they can't keep a man and they talk back. I can't watch the panel videos because the black women never shut up. This is why black men are going overseas (Passport Bros). They don't even want the white western women, because they're also bitches.
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"other races grow out of the ho phase"

from the dood whose white ex-wife, by his own account, never grew out of the ho phase
ngfm u remind me of myself like 10-15 years ago, Xspecially w/ the living inside GTA in all ur free time (and in ur head 24/7) vibes u got going on lately

pls stop

i can tell u from experience it will only poison u
You can't whip that pussy or smack those bitches because they'll call the cops. Or they'll mention you did it years later and have you cancelled. This is why men are ignoring women and going their own way (MGTOW).

Women crave attention and validation. For men to ignore them really hurts. Women will not change their ways, so men are moving on from toxic feminist narcissist females. Men are keeping their interest, hobbies, sports, gaming, cars, and money. Marriage, Religion, and Living Together are off the table.
People who are responsible for NGFMs life being
a tragic waste of oxygen...

[X] Blacks
[X] Women
[X] Alphas
[ ] NGFM
You can't whip that pussy or smack those bitches because they'll call the cops. Or they'll mention you did it years later and have you cancelled. This is why men are ignoring women and going their own way (MGTOW).

Women crave attention and validation. For men to ignore them really hurts. Women will not change their ways, so men are moving on from toxic feminist narcissist females. Men are keeping their interest, hobbies, sports, gaming, cars, and money. Marriage, Religion, and Living Together are off the table.

i'm holding out for my very own Real Doll AI™
Black dude was driving around in a junked out PDX POS car. He was trying to roll up to people and talk to them. He pulled over in the middle of the road and was yelling at me "Sir! Sir! S'cuse me sir!".

From the side of the road across the street from between two cars I said "What's up?"
By this time there were two cars behind him and a car slowed down coming the other way.

He held up a gold chain. He mumbled something about trying to get home. I said I didn't have anything but good luck.

His demeanor changed instantly. He said "You damn white people is fucking evil. You wouldn't give water to a dead person." The car behind him honked. It was a white person driving. He said "Shiiit" and drove off.

It was pretty funny and sad all at once.