Need new mouse, internet not helping, HELP!


Veteran XX
Too many fucking options and it seems that all mice die eventually.

Just want to get 2-3 years of use out of a mouse. Think old G500 quality. Looking for around $50 bucks.

Any recco's?
Corsair for okay quality and fit that will last a few years.

They last longer if you keep semen out of them. ...and you. From what I hear.
not to start a razer vs logitech war but every single logitech ive ever bought suffered from doubleclick within 6 months of me getting it, and from what i understand their build quality has gone down recently. people always talk about how great logitech's customer service is, and yeah i mean they've sent me replacements before, but it seems like everyone also has to contact their customer support. by that i mean everyone's shit is always broken. if one of the major positives of buying a product is that the company talks to you WHEN your shit breaks, then maybe your product is just shitty.

razer doesnt have great customer service, but it's also not BAD. my current death adder is 3 years old now and not showing any sings of breaking, and that's with super nerdy super heavy dota2 and CS:GO use so take that as you may

i've been using my mx518 for like 10 years now. still works beautifully. don't understand why it is considered shit tier

Because esports dpi frequency resolution pro gamer

No, I don't know either. I have an mx1100 that's probably a similar age and does me fine.
well according to that pic, all shit tier mice have "acceleration/prediction issues" which I don't think I am experiencing at all
I have an mx510 that I used for about 12 years. recently replaced with a Logi G402 cos I wanted more buttons and I was starting to have issues where the thumb button wouldn't bind in modern games.

It works pretty well I guess but I'm not a pro gamer u know
I've been using a logitech g303 since release. Most comfortable mouse with the best click mechanisms I've ever owned. Only downsides are the cable is a bit thick and the mouse wheel button is a bit hard to press down. Lots of people hate on the shape of it, but it fits my finger tip/claw grip like a glove.
well according to that pic, all shit tier mice have "acceleration/prediction issues" which I don't think I am experiencing at all
Most people don't notice these things, even though they do significantly affect the result.

I use a Logitech G700. If I were to play FPS games again, this wouldn't be my mouse of choice, even though I (almost) love it for everything else.
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