[Nathan Fillion] Castle

I can't bring myself to watch dollhouse. Everyone tells me it sucks, everything about the story sounds like the suck, even the logo is teh suck and I refuse to watch it based solely on the fact that I like whedon shows.

This was definitely fun to watch though.

Ye of little faith.... keep in mind Whedon brings some of his best writers from show to show. Dollhouse started off crappy but it's been slowly building. The last episode (#6) pretty much sets off the momentum of the rest of the season and starts paying off story wise, it's pretty much what you would expect from a Whedon show. If anything watch episodes 1, 2, 5, 6. But i'm a stickler for continuity so i say just bite the bullet and watch all the episodes in order.

As for Drive, the last two episodes online end in a cliffhanger. That show's main writer also wrote for Angel, Firefly, and writes for Dollhouse now.
castle is my guilty pleasure

it's aimed at 40year old boring women i feel like

but i am secretly enjoying it :(