My wife won a wet Tshirt contest NO PICS!

I don't see why you're so worried about what TW has to say about your wife's breasts. She was obviously unabashed enough about them to enter a contest wherein a bunch of pathetic and grateful strangers judged her - which is exactly what would happen here - and you were proud enough of her stuff to let her. Public is public, even if she was drunk. So, pics please, or your wife's tits are like little BB's behind wallpaper.

By the way, do you have little pet names for her uneven tits, like "Laurel & Hardy" or "big and little round top"?
I'd photoshop a wet tshirt pic to have one giant tit and one tiny one, but I'm too lazy.

ReCurve said:
yeah I post pics you fuckers mock the hell out of her, then start photo chopping, next thing I know
she sees what I've done and leaves me, then I have to go back to wiping my own ass after I take a shit, and live like the rest of tribal war

no thanks
besides I said no pics in the topic so stfu

Doesn't matter what it said in the topic. Pics are mandatory.

Ban this motherfucker.
not supplying pics of the event means you haveta show us some other kinda pics of her
Xplo II said:
That's vet^2 to you, bitch.

looks like member to me, so either stop smurfing or sucks you got your account banned (aka you were acting awfully memberish, hence your title now, member).
wozzeck said:
looks like member to me, so either stop smurfing or sucks you got your account banned (aka you were acting awfully memberish, hence your title now, member).

Neither.. it got fucked in the forum transition.
This infatuation with banning people if they don't have pictures has always puzzled me. I don't think I've ever shown pictures of something I've done, and I've never gotten some dipshit trying to tell me "Pics, or it's bullshit."
wozzeck said:
looks like member to me, so either stop smurfing or sucks you got your account banned (aka you were acting awfully memberish, hence your title now, member).

Take a look at when he joined. - He's been here a lot longer than that.