My Wife is Baby Crazy

don't worry ill take care of her for you

We have one that is 15months old (her son). I want to wait until he's 5 or 6. She just said she would make me a deal. We can wait until then but at that time we have to have two so they are close in age. I can't win.
my friends girlfriend was baby crazy for a while

until we went to dogfish head brewery and sat at a table next to a couple with a new baby, she breastfed it right there at the table and the baby screeched for like 10 minutes as it sucked the milk out of her

she stopped wanting a child soon after
Is the wife the girlfriend you posted about before that made you stay at home to babysit her kid?
Our first is on her way... 2 more months. We haven't done a thing to prepare... I thought my wife would be bonkers, but she's almost apathetic about the whole thing.
I would never with be with a girl that had kids. You know what male lions do when they assume control of a pride of female lions with cubs? They kill those shits.