My job is pretty fun sometimes [pic] [me+girls]

Bounty said:
:rofl: Perhaps a little exaggerated, but probably not a bad analysis.

The blonde is a Navy wife, the two I'm hugging are definitely hyper-dramatic, and the one on the left dates a Brit, and seemed snottier than him.

:lol: I knew it. I read women pretty well.
From you to the right is the best of the picture. Well, your left in the pic. From you to the right is all sex. :browsmile
Core said:
i hate to say it bounty but these "hey look at me and the chicks i work with" threads seem like nothing more than desperate cries for attention. but, whatever. you seem to have a cool life and feel the need to share it with tw. glad to see divorce didn't keep you down for long.

:shrug: I guess I view it as being akin to whipping out pictures for your friends in the office of a party from the weekend. I consider a lot of people here my friends and enjoy sharing events in my life as much as I enjoy hearing about the events in the lives of others here.

The divorce still gets me down, sometimes, to be honest -- I just don't let it rule my life. :)
Kahlan said:
I'd definitely do the one in the red shirt, she's a cutie. :D

Haha - I think I showed you pics of her before. Remember when I lived in that apartment from when we first met? She and I did that little photo shoot thing there for her photography class.

P.S. I'd pay to see you do her. :browsmile
BeavisNuke said:
redhead is the hottest

Recent correspondence with redhead (from bottom to top) - I told you I flirt with everybody:

-----Original Message-----
From: Holly
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 1:28 PM
To: Stephen
Subject: RE: so much fun

Heck yeah! Hey, well you have my phone number now so give me a hollar if you're drunk or bored or just want to make fun of my hair...

"Stephen" wrote:

Holly - not a problem - I'll try and get it to him next time I see him.

Oh, and if sometime in the future you answer a call in the middle of the night, only to hear heavy breathing, I was drunk and bored. I apologize in advance. (Actually, Andri is probably prone to do that, too.)

Seriously, though, thanks for recruiting more attendees for the next one!!! I think these are just going to get better and better.

-----Original Message-----
From: Holly
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 12:49 PM
To: Stephen
Subject: RE: so much fun

LOVE THEM!!!!! Darn, the pic of us all toasting didn't come out I guess. Bummer.

Sorry had to leave early. Dogs and homework called.

Thanks so much for emailing the pix. I added them to my online photoalbum. Have started recruiting for January's Operatini.

Hey, any way you can give Andre my contact info...he is supposed to put me in touch with a vocal coach. My number is 757-XXX-XXXX and email is, well, you have that. If you can't no worries...I'm sure I'll run into him again.

Thanks again for a great night!

"Stephen" wrote:

I had a great time, too - thanks for joining us at Scotty Q's - you did leave a little early, though, because you missed the drunk women belly-dancing (and I'm not talking about the women who were actually paid to be there belly dancing!!!)

The pics with you and your ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS RED HAIR are attached - enjoy!

(P.S. The guy in the big group picture, all the way to the right, REALLY wanted to meet you -- he'd asked me to introduce him to you specifically -- you're such a minx!!!)


-----Original Message-----
From: Holly
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 8:49 AM
To: Stephen
Subject: so much fun

Morning mister.

Had a great time last night. Can't wait to see the pix from the grand affair.

Have a fabulous day and see you at the next mix.

Bounty said:
Haha - I think I showed you pics of her before. Remember when I lived in that apartment from when we first met? She and I did that little photo shoot thing there for her photography class.

P.S. I'd pay to see you do her. :browsmile

I don't do you know her from that far back, is she the one in the Coast Guard?