[Murica] Anheuser-Busch renames Budweiser to "America"

Glad to see the cultureless and unpatriotic Ameritards catch up to good European traditions. We've been naming our beers & liquors with patriotic themes for centuries now.

Einstok is pretty fucking awesome beer
The sad thing is that most Americans will probably fall for this because they're so stupid. Should instead put America LOL on the bottles.
Budweiser really doubling down on marketing to red states and middle-America.

Not a bad strategy. A lot of their messaging was already aimed at people heavily moved by patriotism and belief in big business.
aimed at college kids obv, college kids drink light beers

get them drinking diesel instead of miller lite which is killing it wit the retro can

"bro lets get a rack of americas for 4th of july, SICK!"
with a few Heinkens. LOL

brah dats sakred shit rite dare.

