MP Demo Delay

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Magnezm said:
Change logs are for revisions.

This is a new release of a demo. No changes have been made to the demo yet.

Final release is next Tuesday. There will be no change log for that either.

Now, if they were doing revision #6 for the beta, you would get a log.

So now, speaking as a member, stfu about a log.

That's a pretty weak @$$ argument for not giving us a change log.

With that logic...

The rock band 'Uber Shank' has release a new album each year for the past 5 years. Each time an album has been released it has been titled 'Uber Shank Dance Party #'.

Then, when the time comes for the 6th album to come out, 'Uber Shank' announces that the title isn't going to be 'Uber Shank Dance Party 6'. Instead they are going to call it 'Party with Uber Shank and Dance while you're at it'. They also announce that, because of the title change, the new album isn't going to contain a lyric sheet, like every other album in the history of CD recorded music.

Pretty stupid eh?
WaTTz! said:
That's a pretty weak @$$ argument for not giving us a change log.

With that logic...

The rock band 'Uber Shank' has release a new album each year for the past 5 years. Each time an album has been released it has been titled 'Uber Shank Dance Party #'.

Then, when the time comes for the 6th album to come out, 'Uber Shank' announces that the title isn't going to be 'Uber Shank Dance Party 6'. Instead they are going to call it 'Party with Uber Shank and Dance while you're at it'. They also announce that, because of the title change, the new album isn't going to contain a lyric sheet, like every other album in the history of CD recorded music.

Pretty stupid eh?

Er... I thought you said something about logic in there someplace.
No offence, but your example is really weak.

What he said is basicly that since this product has not been released, there have been no changes to it. This is the release version 1.00. Previous to that it's only been a beta and not the same at all.

In one reguard that's true, but for all practical reasons it's not. Argue that side of it, don't bother with analagy! :p

I think there's just too much fiddily crap to mash together to be a worthy time investment at this point. PLUS this is the end of a project cycle. There's alot of folks breathing sighs of releaf and creeping out into the sun for the first time in go knows how long. The usual doc writer it prolly home banging his girl/boy friend for all (s)he's worth.

Just chill fer a bit. Let 'em breath. These guys were on a deadly production count down with a nasty little spike on the end.

Besides, we want 'em to be fresh to start on post market support next week don't we? Mwaaahaaahaa! And they think they're "done"! Their souls belong to Tribes now!
Mr Fish said:
for people wanting a changelog... i would like to get you one, but there have literally been one gazillion changes since open beta. The beta build is almost 2 months old compared to this latest demo, so the changelog would go on for pages and pages, and take us a while to compile.

I will say that in terms of tuning there havent been any dramatic changes (although KP might like to correct me)... most changes have been the standard stuff at the end of a project cycle, ie bug fixing, stability and optimisation.
although i love KP u can blame him for getting us into the habit of expecting change logs :I

and god damn us TWers are annoying! we demand things not being grateful for what has been done. the delay was no biggie, 24 hours... but people just dont reward or thank you guys for bringing the full version to us 168 hours (for the slow 1 week) earlier.
BitRaiser said:
Er... I thought you said something about logic in there someplace.
No offence, but your example is really weak.

What he said is basicly that since this product has not been released, there have been no changes to it. This is the release version 1.00. Previous to that it's only been a beta and not the same at all.

In one reguard that's true, but for all practical reasons it's not. Argue that side of it, don't bother with analagy! :p

I think there's just too much fiddily crap to mash together to be a worthy time investment at this point. PLUS this is the end of a project cycle. There's alot of folks breathing sighs of releaf and creeping out into the sun for the first time in go knows how long. The usual doc writer it prolly home banging his girl/boy friend for all (s)he's worth.

Just chill fer a bit. Let 'em breath. These guys were on a deadly production count down with a nasty little spike on the end.

Besides, we want 'em to be fresh to start on post market support next week don't we? Mwaaahaaahaa! And they think they're "done"! Their souls belong to Tribes now!

You're missing my point. The only difference between the MP demo and what would be beta 6 is what it's being called, it's all in the name.

Content wise, what we are playing now is going to be almost exactly the same as the upcoming MP demo. For all intensive purposes, it IS a revision of beta 5.

But nooooo, they arn't calling it beta 6 so we don't get a change log.

That makes 31 flavors of sense. [/sarcasm]
You'd think it wouldn't be to hard to come up with general "we added a bit more horizontal thrust, and made carving while skiing a bit easier" kind of change log though, not anything comprehensive, just what they remember signifigantly changed since the beta.
WaTTz! said:
You're missing my point. The only difference between the MP demo and what would be beta 6 is what it's being called, it's all in the name.

No, no, I get you loud and clear on that point. I guess I didn't express myself very well. Those are the grounds I suggested you argue on, not through a really (sorry) god awful analogy!

You are quite correct that the version number has only changed... it's not two seperate entities.

I don't think my point is quite getting thought either, tho.

There's no doubt thousands of lines of minor updates. posting that log would be silly as it would be completely meaningless to us since we don't have any sort of referance.

A good update doc to release to the masses would have to be composed from all those little fragments into cohisive statments like "added more mass to the rover to make it feel more heavy" (I hope that one's in there someplace!).

The only guys that have a good picture in their heads of what the over all changes have been are no doubt completely exausted OR working on something else (like fixing the demo). Either way, is it really worth their while to slog through hacking up an update doc when it will be a moot point as soon as the demo is released and we can all see for ourselves?
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WaTTz! said:
Content wise, what we are playing now is going to be almost exactly the same as the upcoming MP demo. For all intensive purposes, it IS a revision of beta 5.

I hate being an language nazi at this hour of the morning, but it's "intents and purposes" :D

***now lets everyone get back to semantical arguments over betas, demos, and changelogs... ***
BitRaiser said:
Those are the grounds I suggested you argue on, not through a really (sorry) god awful analogy!

1. Funny analogies are ALWAYS better than simply arguing a point in a boring, essay-esque fashion.

2. I don't like you anymo' !!!1!
Wolfchylde said:
I hate being an language nazi at this hour of the morning, but it's "intents and purposes" :D

***now lets everyone get back to semantical arguments over betas, demos, and changelogs... ***

Hurm never knew that's how the saying went, thanks. Thinking on it now, "Intensive Purposes" doesn't really make sense.

No worries though, I always correct people when they say "Half-@ssed Job"

The actual saying is "Half-asked Job". As in doing only half of what was asked of you.
know what, it doesnt matter what think about the damn change log. wait for the damn demo, no one cares for the stupid log.
Greywolf said:
know what, it doesnt matter what think about the damn change log. wait for the damn demo, no one cares for the stupid log.

They reserve a special place in hell for those who speak ill of change logs.
Well crap, this probably could have been avoided if i'd pointed something out earlier:

Last week i installed the SP Demo (UK mag cover CD), found it to be horrible, uninstalled it, and had it take my Open Beta cdkey with it when it went.

I didn't report because i figured it would be pretty obvious. (bleh)
benji said:
While you're at it, fix this too:


Hmm... :hrm:
WaTTz! said:
The actual saying is "Half-asked Job". As in doing only half of what was asked of you.

10 seconds to search for the etymology of "half-assed" reveals:

HALF-ASS(ED) Adjective, usually considered vulgar [mid-19th cent+] (originated in U.S.) careless, inadequate, incompetent, unsatisfactory, half-hearted, half-baked, poor, unenthusiastic, second-rate, contemptible, ridiculous, stupid. (See Also: "WaTTz!"). [Standard English ‘half’ + ass].

First documented usage: 1863 in T.P. Lowry ‘Story Soldiers Wouldn’t Tell’: “There goes our half-assed adjutant.”

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