Mountain biking wrist injury.


Veteran XX
Caught the front tire in a rut while going downhill maybe 30+ mph. Went over the handlebars and tumbled a couple of times. I was lucky I didn't get killed since I ended up head butting a rock so hard that the back retaining strap of my helmet popped out. The impact left a big dent on my helmet and cracked the foam all the way through.

Unfortunately for me, I shattered my radius trying to stop my fall.




I'm getting 1, maybe 2 plates put in Tuesday next week. :-( My doctor said to expect 50% of previous mobility on that wrist. Sucks.

I'm just happy I didn't smash my head to a pulp.
wish i could see that same style pic of a wrist that is fine... it obviously looks fucked but how fucked compared to a healthy one would be nice to see.