[MLB] Randy Johnson wins #300

i dont think it's dumb...i think it's a good point...i do understand what you mean but i think koufax clearly would have continued to dominate for years to come...
you can't give players credit for what they could have done when you're comparing careers imo
you can't give players credit for what they could have done when you're comparing careers imo

especially when you're talking about koufax who retired because of really, really bad arthritis. some of the stories of the treatments he took and the preparation just to get ready for a start are pretty incredible.

edit: http://espn.go.com/classic/biography/s/koufax_sandy.html

Koufax had one more magnificent season left in his arthritic arm. After staging a holdout with Don Drysdale, Koufax signed for $125,000 and won his third Cy Young -- with a 27-9 record and 1.73 ERA - despite the intense pain in his left elbow.

Doctors warned that he risked losing the use of the arm if he continued to pitch. That November he retired. "I don't regret for one minute the 12 years I've spent in baseball," he said, "but I could regret one season too many."
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dave hates RJ because he lost a fantasy league with him on his team so he was forced to play fantasy bass fishing :(

lolz seth....not at all..i liked him more when he was absolutely dominant...i'm sure it's hard to leave the game...but he just doesn't reflect what i recall at his dominance...you guys are right though, & it shouldn't diminish how i feel about him overall but what i remember is when i saw him so frequently on the yanks...he was horrible in his 2nd stint in the AL...and hasn't been close to ace material since...
i think santana is showing signs of a loss of velocity already in his 2nd year...that worries me...although he's having a sick season...one of the best pitchers parks and the nl...but he is a definite gamer...wish we had a true #2...we're in a world of hurt...
didn't even realize that....wow..sanchez could be really good...but too many walks and needs more control..
he drifts out of his arm slot but w/ more consistency he'll be lights out - has a similar low 3/4 arm angle with dirty movement

i love cain but with the right deal i would be ok with seeing him go, as sf's lineup is abysmal. giants have 2 pitchers in the minors that people are higher on than any other pitcher in their farm system not named lincecum over the past 15 years or so, including cain - madison bumgarner & tim alderson who will both be up in the big leagues sometime next year
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yah i'd be stoked if i were a giants fan....my confidence rating in the mets is like a 5 outa 10 right now...
In our lifetime, with the advances of drugs and training, we will see pitchers pitch into their 50s. 300 will happen again.