Midair 2?!

not true..a lot of us got sucked into paying for it..then they fucked everyone over and later gave it away for free
I paid 10k got 50 hours out of it total vs ppl with thousands all who I beat and they still banned me for calling them noobs and the game bad and boring
"Anal with a hot girl feels like pussy"

I played this game for a day or so that's all the good I can say about it

I'm not a big gamer tbh, outside of tribes I've never really played games much - can count them on one hand
Anyone else have dreams as a kid when you get into fist fights but your arms move all weird and slow. anyway thats what these discs look like.
I downloaded it and spent the past 30 min playing with bots. First impressions

-Soft and then hard map barrier.
-Hard map barrier allows projectiles to pass through. No more ez spam like t3
-Jets are signficantly more powerful. I don't run out nearly as quickly, so you can actually get legit air
-Not sure about medium/heavies, but lights have a proper 3 slot config. Disc, nade, chain
-Nade launcher has a clip of 4 nades. This is great bc it cuts down on the spamming

-Fall/ski damage. This was in all previous tribes, but t3 removed it. I've come to like that a lot more as its more forgiving but not in a dumbing down sort of way
-As was previously mentioned, the discs are super slow. In fact, so slow, I wonder what game I am playing. I hate it actually.
-Overall gun mechanics. huge negative here. Hate t3 design decisions all you want, but at least its a really fun game to shoot. I'm hating ma2 so far for this. The cg feels super floaty too
fuck i hate agreeing with Rev

the throw flag to respawning teammate as you control k so he can throw it back to you and repeat ad nauseum meta.


If i have to suicide more than i frag the enemy in a FPS you have a fucking problem with ur shit game :lol: