[MEGATHREAD] Modern Warfare 2

So far I've gotten all the attachments for the SCAR and FAMAS. Right now I'm just starting up on the M4 and FAL. The FAL seems to be hit or miss; maps were there's room to lead a target I do well but its useless for maps with alot of cover. Kinda a love / hate relationship with it. Its the only gun I feel that needs Stopping Power.

So far I haven't found a gun I absolutely love, usually prefer the accurate weapons over the spray and pray guns. People really seem to like the ACR and I'm looking forward to trying it out.
oh snap, bling pro gives me 2 attachments on both my guns now. i just creamed my pants

i just raped on the brazilian map by sniping from rooftop with a SMG w/ silencer and red dot
So far I've gotten all the attachments for the SCAR and FAMAS. Right now I'm just starting up on the M4 and FAL. The FAL seems to be hit or miss; maps were there's room to lead a target I do well but its useless for maps with alot of cover. Kinda a love / hate relationship with it. Its the only gun I feel that needs Stopping Power.

So far I haven't found a gun I absolutely love, usually prefer the accurate weapons over the spray and pray guns. People really seem to like the ACR and I'm looking forward to trying it out.

F2000 is pretty sweet, although low damage. It's bang on accurate for medium and even long distances at full auto. With stopping power and a sight it is a great weapon.

M16 is an amazing weapon but I've switched back to the scar because of the full auto. I'll be using the ak47 when I unlock it in another 9 levels.
Ive maxed out the m16, scar, and m4a1, currently on the vii marksmen for the ACR and im using bling silencer/red dot with it. very accurate
Im getting better im just to damn inconsistant. Ill have good days and bad days.

My KDR is climing but I still am pretty sucky.

So far the FAMAS, RDS/Silencer has treated me the best.

I agree that slowing down and being patient is the best way. Most of the time im to damn impatient and want to run and gun.

I use medium
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You can run and gun, but you should wait a bit. I played a more campy game with the Famas for a long while. Now I'm level 20 and grabbed the Tar21 and do a lot of rushing (I'm still waiting to unlock some good stealth perks as well).

The secret to running and gunning is flanking. Don't run anywhere in the middle or common parts of the maps. By taking a little longer route you can get in behind people really easily.

Coming in from a direction they don't expect will get you tons of easy kills.

Always sprint between areas of cover too or you'll get ripped apart by people with scoped assault rifles and snipers.
yeah the thumbstick sensitivity is one thing i dont really like, i wish i could set it to something like 1.5, but i cant... they have all those big numbers to choose from but not a lot for lower sensitivity.
v0rt3x, xbox live.

Just unlocked m16 and man it is godly. along with the m93 pistol. I really want the ACR though i picked up from someone i killed and damn it accurate with almost no recoil!
v0rt3x, xbox live.

Just unlocked m16 and man it is godly. along with the m93 pistol. I really want the ACR though i picked up from someone i killed and damn it accurate with almost no recoil!

Yeah I think it's a bit underrated. I use it with a silencer, iron sights, and no stopping power. It seems like such an advanced rifle I'm surprised it isn't shooting laser beams.
looks like you need about 2.4-2.5 million experience for level 70

did anyone figure out what you get for prestige?