[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

But but but... we're *White*

We will get socialism right, this time.

Ignore the ~100 million murders committed in the name of the State last century.

Nothing to see here, move along.

oh the not so great white north for long




the bug light is on.....no turning it off at this point

winter and the zerg forces are cumming

absents people spreading butt cheeks and turning the other cheek to full blown invasion

while worrying about aids, big black cocks, and trump

he blames capitalism........LOL
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both of those people are certified family coalition types so who gives a fuck, they gonna breed and abuse anyway they can
lets have lots of kids to protect the gate

that our globalist politicians will leave wide open

use the justice apartment against you if you try to close

as i fake my birth certificate and complain about the Russians

when a gurl squirts it can only be pee (untrue but im sure for a few yakmen they just get pissed on like r kelly deserved anyway)
actually recent studies have said it is indeed pee.

I'm still a little vague on this whole Russia hack thing, they're strictly talking about wikileaks right? If so, and everything in the emails is true, then isn't this a whistle blowing event not a hack per se?
they are intentionally blurring all this together to fit their agenda

they are treating the dnc hacks and the podesta phishing and the hillary spillage as one event and all of them as being Russian orchestrated

when in reality it is questionable if any of them were

The #RussianHackers #FakeNews appears to be coming from CIA's John Brennan, which means it's really coming from President Obama. No class.

you want to know about orchestration? let me tell you something: the russians have a great orchestra

the best orchestra

and you know what? we're gonna have a better orchestra

america's orchestra - and let me tell you something, we've had some great ones, but never as good as the russians - america's orchestra is gonna be the greatest

we're gonna have the best one the world's ever seen. bigly. and that's because america is the best. it deserves the best, and we're gonna have the best of everything because we're going to make. america. great. again.
oh the not so great white north for long

the bug light is on.....no turning it off at this point

winter and the zerg forces are cumming

absents people spreading butt cheeks and turning the other cheek to full blown invasion

while worrying about aids, big black cocks, and trump

he blames capitalism........LOL

It's why I keep asking if europe is dead yet in the other thread. A once fierce and proud europe is now nothing more than cowards who are too afraid to stand up for themselves.

At the end of the day, it is a culture war. People who think islam really cares about integrating is a fucking idiot. They absolutely wont do it and they love the fact that western nations are giving everything away... making it very easy for them to export their culture and winning the long game.

Do you see islamic nations bending on their culture? No? Why is that?
I am convinced that people in California have no idea how the Constitution works or its history. The principle method of changing the rules was never intended to be the courts, HaPpY.
:huh: how did CA get into this? jomo and happy were talking about a decision in colorado.

and the courts can change the laws/rules by finding that existing rules are unconstitutional. that's one of the purposes of the judicial branch. the CO case was questioning the constitutionality of the laws that required them to vote for clinton.