[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

i was expecting this to happen... with faithless electors showing up to counter trump that the same would happen from the other end.

It's actually good news for Trump. They wanted to set a precedent that they didn't have to vote for who they were bound to. Judge said... 'you have to go by what the state rules are, so, if you don't like them, get them changed', and denied their request. If they would have been successful then other state electors could have used that as a precedent to file similar lawsuits in order to not vote for Trump, even though they are bound to.
Hillary last night before she had to tell her megadonors she lost to Trump, lol

It's actually good news for Trump. They wanted to set a precedent that they didn't have to vote for who they were bound to. Judge said... 'you have to go by what the state rules are, so, if you don't like them, get them changed', and denied their request. If they would have been successful then other state electors could have used that as a precedent to file similar lawsuits in order to not vote for Trump, even though they are bound to.

tell them to get the rules changed, then deny the request... isnt that what theyre there for? that judge #1 troll :lol:

anyway my point is that some electors out there bound to vote for hillary may switch to trump if they see trump voters switching to hillary to balance things out in retaliation... at least thats what i would do in their position given this situation.
Election hacks.....

I blame Russia for Detroit being such a dishonest shithole

More Detroit Voting "Irregularities": 95 Poll Books "Missing" For Days; 5 Still Nowhere To Be Found

Mass Detroit Voter Fraud? - 37% Of Precincts Counted More Ballots Than Voters

maybe jill can find the fraud while she stays in Trump towers on borrowed money for a few more nights
Apparently Trump won the election because Russia 'hacked' the election even thought Hillary apparently won the popular vote.

This puero rican kid I went to high school with used to be a hardcore metal head that only cared about hardcore music and bugs. Now he is a sjw cuck. Like, literally all the punk rock/metal head kids i went to high school with are ultra liberals now. I don't understand how such a thing is even possible.

This puero rican kid I went to high school with used to be a hardcore metal head that only cared about hardcore music and bugs. Now he is a sjw cuck. Like, literally all the punk rock/metal head kids i went to high school with are ultra liberals now. I don't understand how such a thing is even possible.


Because punk and hardcore generally take that stance that everyone and everything is okay if you destroy the rich company owners.