[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread


Good old Q

I know I have made plenty fun of their group in here but what suddenly

why all the tears and crying about them? I mean with Antifa burning cop cars in Seattle this weekend, BLM beating cops and filming it for WORLDSTAR in NC, to Trump supporters still being shot and executed in the streets of cities like Denver/Portland.

Why are they public enemy #1?


I got some ideas........

Just like Loony Glenn Beck ten years ago, when he used to draw random circles on a chalkboard, constantly mentioning Soros, then Saul Alinsky, then a dozen other jews (all by accident) then got kicked off the air for it.


I mean this was all he was doing.....:lol:

But he could never figure out what he did wrong either.......

What he (((said))) that he shouldn't have. It was just crazy ramblings.

and he still pretends he doesn't understand

but the rest of us do

Q has been a psyop for civ nats and boomers for the last four years to trick them into doing nothing because they're thinking we're gonna get Indiana-Jones style arrests and sweeps of the deep state when in fact nothing ever happens

it's been treated like a joke because up until they started naming jews and saying our ruling class is full of pedophiles it was harmless mental masturbation

now that they're actually getting closer over the real target and steering people (idk intentionally or unintentionally) towards the JQ, the Q movement will be summarily lumped in with all the other naughty heretics that have been censored around the internet

this will be good for us because the aforementioned civ nats and boomers who are gonna be sharing this material like they have been for years, will be very confused as to why they're being so viciously attacked & being called nazis on all fronts by the media


and that's the ball game

but hey don't take my :tinfoil: word for it



they are happy to brag about it being another one of their list take downs

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This article doesn't seem to be real, as I can't find it on Snopes. I have seen Snopes do similar things in the past, though.

yeah there is rumors they took it down

even they were embarassed

i don't buy it i think it is just a meme myself

a joke

but here is one that isn't a joke (but still is)



it's just as bad and absurd imo

as is everything they do

they are essentially the babylon bee at this point

they know it we know it everyone knows it

well except Trump possibly

Trump shares satirical Babylon Bee story after Savannah Guthrie accuses him of retweeting conspiracies like ‘someone’s crazy uncle’ - MarketWatch

and twitter

Twitter apologizes after briefly suspending The Babylon Bee's account

and snopes

Snopes “fact checks” Christian satire site Babylon Bee | National Center for Life and Liberty

and youtube who demonitized them today



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nahh it is israel first


israel only

or else


and even that isn't going to be good enough for them



Q got too spicy

Just like Stefan Molyneux and all the rest

ADL shut em down as they will every other outlet for the foreseeable forever future

I mean even Charlie Kirk, of pro homosexuality, pro immigration, pro basically everything that is text book cuckservative, got the boot off of twitter today for posting too much nazi stuff............and too much hunter biden talk.

they make a list and the internet monopoly just follows it blindly

even the new Playstation isn't safe from their grip

Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, More Join ADL to Push Social Justice and Combat Right-Wing Extremism in Gaming - Niche Gamer

fter Partnering With ADL, PlayStation Releases Update to Spy On Users' Voice Chat For 'Violations'

Electronic Arts teams up with the ADL to enforce social justice in gaming | The Post Millennial

it's their internet now they just let the good goy use it for now

so long as we give them good data that is good for us to mine and harvest and extract from us
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I don't even think I got the memo

unless the ADL signed off on it

or ADELSON (Zionist) and SOROS (Bolshevik) paid for it

the rest doesn't seem to matter

it's the only point or purpose of our government and having any politicians

to do and serve their bidding

but hey BIDEN is an absolute POS (confirmed now) and will just sell us out to China and Israel

so by mere process of elimination I have no desire to black pill anyone in here tonight

bring em down boys!!!!!!!!!!

release the rest of the dirt and videos ASAP
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this is great stuff :popcorn:

we don't have assange anymore

wikileaks is done for

q has been forsaken

twitter/fb/youtube compromised

and all the media conglomerates have been trying to perfect their Chinese style censorship on us since 2016......collectively swore never again

here is to taking the entire boat down

with all of these scum sucking swampers and scammers in it

i agree w absent women arent intelligent and shouldnt be treated as such

quick Tele-factoid

last time a western civilized country worshiped women in politics to the degree that we apparently do lately .....with RBG vs. ACB and KAMALA VP et al etc

was likely Minoa-Crete a few centuries back

and did that work out wonderfully for them

but they did get the cool name "cretin" out of it

Urban Dictionary: cretin

A Person that is: brainless, stupid, child-like, and full of pointless information that makes no sense and appeals only to other cretins

which still is around today

and their lead based glass work was also rather legendary + beautiful

but also made them mad as a hatter if you catch my heavy metal poisoning + insanity reference here

which is probably what led to them being called cretins and worshiping women to somehow lead their lives and politics

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