[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Tulsi is the only chance they have but they’d rather steam roll their only minority woman rather than beat trump lol

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What does this mean?

FBI Director Blasted By Trump Admits ‘Illegal Surveillance’ Of Trump Adviser: Report

Can someone explain this to me?

I was told by libtards like Blair and Epi that i was pushing a debunked conspiracy theorys every time i brought up FISA abuse/spying.

Does anyone ever feel like the republicans are being convicted/investigated for the crimes that Dems commit?

Sure does feel that way to me.

Look at the Iowa caucus. Thats election interference (now and in 2016). Blatant and fraudulent. What do we get? A 2 year investigation into Trump/Russia collusion to influence the 2016 election.

It reminds me of the great teachings of Jordan Peterson. "Clean up your own damn room before telling me how to manage mine."
What does this mean?

FBI Director Blasted By Trump Admits ‘Illegal Surveillance’ Of Trump Adviser: Report

Can someone explain this to me?

I was told by libtards like Blair and Epi that i was pushing a debunked conspiracy theorys every time i brought up FISA abuse/spying.

Does anyone ever feel like the republicans are being convicted/investigated for the crimes that Dems commit?

Sure does feel that way to me.

Look at the Iowa caucus. Thats election interference (now and in 2016). Blatant and fraudulent. What do we get? A 2 year investigation into Trump/Russia collusion to influence the 2016 election.

It reminds me of the great teachings of Jordan Peterson. "Clean up your own damn room before telling me how to manage mine."

Trump/Cruz/Paul/ and many others were subjected to illegal spying by Obama/Brennan/Clapper/Comey/McCabe and others. FISA 302's were either none extant or altered. FISA Court was flat out lied too while certain FISA Judges knew it was all an illegal Op. All of which was part of the failed coup attempt.

It's always opposite day with evil is why. Wasn't just Dems who are corrupt as fuck. Many Repubs as well. Blatant and fraudulent indeed.

Cleaning the room is a severe understatement. More like burning the entire House to the ground, bulldozing anything left standing, and then salting the Earth for good measure. Just to be sure.

They have all been caught. With POTUS found innocent all bets are now off. Reading his books one quickly finds out he enjoys revenge.

It's formality from here out.

Yemen airstrike: death of al Qaeda leader Qassim al-Rimi announced by White House - CNNPolitics


wow ^^^^
At this point we all know what the fuck is going on. Apparently, I even know more than Mueller about the FISA abuse. We had a bunch of high up FBI and Obama people spy on a presidential candidate and then make shit up and accuse him, worse than Watergate could ever approach, and they keep getting away with it in plain sight. It's so obvious at this point I don't know why heads aren't rolling. Traitors should be killed. Hopefully, people that have been lying to the press, will think twice about lying in court, and the truth will come out?????

anyway, don't read mine, read staplemammal's post above. he should be the head of the FBI
I hope Carter Paige can bring down the hammer in court; he should be paid bank for the hell they put him through
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wow ^^^^
At this point we all know what the fuck is going on. Apparently, I even know more than Mueller about the FISA abuse. We had a bunch of high up FBI and Obama people spy on a presidential candidate, worse than Watergate could even approach, and they keep getting away with it in plain sight. It's so obvious at this point I don't know why heads aren't rolling. Traitors should be killed.

Not getting away with a fucking thing. They dig themselves deeper into their hole. Heads are rolling. Literally. Bush Sr, John McStain, Elijah Cummings, and others have all been executed for treason. With more on the way.

Guess some haven't got the memo yet.
A president selecting 4 supreme court justices during their two terms.... has that ever happened.
People are going to flip out.