[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

he was posting the exact same stuff on TW that he was posting in twitter replies to trump

havax was going through tweets of ppl replying to trump and found a guy who said something that sharty had literally just posted so havax posted the guys picture to TW and sharty panicked and locked down all of his shit and ran away

it turns out he was not a movie producer in LA, which was p fucking obvious, but was actually some sort of low-end software dev bitch in portland or some such

That's so weird he would lie about being a movie producer. Makes sense he avoided talking specifically about California ever.

Was he white? About how old did he look?
just to make sure this is right

Der Gropenfuhrer is accused of collecting dirt on a political opponent

yet there are 4 senators running against him who get to vote on his impeachment?

actually that part of the wall was approved and funded during the obama administration, its only technically "trumps" because it was built after obama left office

if u wanna see the new parts u gotta look @ new mexico, az, and texas
The best wall President Donald Trump has built is the Mexican Army more strong on the northern and especially southern boarder... Mexico is paying for the wall.

"I own buildings. I'm a builder; I know how to build. Nobody can build like I can build. Nobody. And the builders in New York will tell you that. I build the best product."

Portion of US border wall in California falls over in high winds and lands on Mexican side - CNNPolitics
If a country cared, they would want the wall built so their people don't leave. But instead they put it on the USA like we're the bad guy.

Also, there was 10 years of Obama policies and it didn't work. So posting things about left wing states not getting their fair share of government dollars is that states fault. It's more proof that left wing states are stupid and don't know how to compete for jobs. For example, here in Florida, former governor Rick Scott used to call companies all over the USA and tell them to move to Florida. That brought jobs here. Florida has no state income tax. You hear states saying, "Don't Virgina my Florida." It's never the other way around. It's always the right wing state telling the left not to invade.

All of this is about resources. On a country level, everyone wants to come to the USA to sponge off gubiment. At a state level, all the left wing states have stupid governors who don't know how to bring jobs to their state. They only know how to tax everyone (state) and introduce social programs. The jobs leave, people leave, and you have San Francisco, a shit hole.
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"I own buildings. I'm a builder; I know how to build. Nobody can build like I can build. Nobody. And the builders in New York will tell you that. I build the best product."

Portion of US border wall in California falls over in high winds and lands on Mexican side - CNNPolitics

If you notice, none of the other wall sections are moving - at all. If you have ever worked with concrete you know it takes time to cure and its funny that the fake news LSM has time to tell this story but ignores all the others.

Also, I find it interesting that when they pan the camera right you see absolutely no wall. wtf?