[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Hate to break it to you shitshooter, not everyone trusts polls but all dumbasses trust polls.

Everyone meaning society at large. Even FoxNews. Hell, Trump himself. The pictures of Trump being sad he won on election night are fabulous.

They could have grifted, the whole family, for decades but now Trump fucked it all up by getting elected to the most dissected and observed job in the history of the world.
No. It's the way of the world and DJT won the election fair and square because of it. Hopefully it's removed, as it should be, to represent our current modern day society.


You seriously think that certain cities should dictate for everyone? That's a laugh. Take a peek at how libs/dems are scrambling to build cheap, high density, housing in their electoral centers. Especially "sancutuary cities". Places where you don't even need an ID to vote. To top it off, these cities used "opportunity zones" to get tax breaks. You really think the drug addicts, oops I mean "homeless" on the streets are there because these cities care about them? No, they are weaponized to get these tax breaks, push local businesses out, push single families out and to build chicken coops to raise the headcount against that great wall of red out there.

The dem/liberal party is not what it paints itself to be and the jig is up. Out in the open. Spread wider than a chick in Hustler.

Let's just watch the black vote in the upcoming election to see what happens. You love polls so much. Take a peek at some of those.
his failing resort

Literally the only source for this story is the famously anti-Trump Washington Post. And if you actually read it, it's hilariously untrue. So F- for fake news, but you do get one bonus point for repeating something that wasn't originally said by CNN.
Do you believe every person's vote in the United States should count equally in the presidential election?

Yes or no? Simple question.

Every legal US citizen should cast one legitimate vote and it should count. That is layered by the electoral college.

This is a nice write up which is pretty accurate.
Why Was the Electoral College Created? - HISTORY

Remember - there were no political parties when the system was put into place.

George Washington advised us against partisan politics and it is manifesting as a serious problem. Throw your affiliation to the wind and vote for the right people at the right time. With everything that has come to light during the Trump presidency, many people see unhealthy signs. Way more scary than Donald Trump. Things like the FBI, CIA, NSA being used for partisan purposes. Most of the media being used as a Super PAC for the left. the education system being used to brainwash children. The attempt at re-writing history. The whipping up of people to start violence. City leaders telling the police to ignore action that at any other time would land people in jail.

The problem with a popular vote is fundamentally it can put in place an overly powerful president who might be able to alter the structure of our government. People exactly like HRC. Her supporters will say it robbed her. I say it did it's job well for being a hastily written control. Perfect? No. Better than a pure popular vote? Yes.

It has been around since the start. 5 times a popular vote didn't work out to be the elected official. Nothing new.

It has been a double edged sword since it is used by both parties to varying degrees of success. Remember - a recent supreme court ruling allows it.

In major elections ruling, U.S. Supreme Court allows partisan map drawing - Reuters

It will be interesting to see what all the re-jiggering ends up with in the upcoming election. I have to believe that the republicans are going to come out on top with this game.
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Dems should make their primary a single national popular vote since it's the best method. It'd be cheaper too.
I actually just saw the headline on DrudgeReport. I'll admit to reguarly checking Drudge to see how the right is framing things (though Matt D appears to be throwing Trump under the bus in anticipation of the obvious ahead).